12 Days

Holy Land & Rome Pilgrimage

Spiritual Director: His Eminence, Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne, Archbishop Emeritus of Lima, Peru

Group Leader: Alessandro Crocco

September 15 – 26, 2024


Holy Land & Rome Pilgrimage

Spiritual Director:

His Eminence, Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne, Archbishop Emeritus of Lima, Peru

Group Leader:

Alessandro Crocco

September 15 – 26, 2024


Tel Aviv · Galilee · Nazareth · Cana · Ein Karem · Bethlehem · Jerusalem · Rome ·


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Tel Aviv · Galilee · Nazareth · Cana · Ein Karem · Bethlehem · Jerusalem · Rome ·

For 7-nights call Jerusalem “home” as you explore the Holy Land in luxury. Unpack once to make the most of your experience in this Sacred place. Discover the rich history of the Holy Land while enjoying the modern-day culture. With 206 Tours arranging every detail for your comfort, you can cast your worries aside and enjoy convenient travel, high class accommodations, local delicacies, experienced local Christian guides, and Catholic Mass daily. Witness the Scripture come alive and focus solely on deepening your faith and connection to Jesus through the life changing act of Pilgrimage.

Relax in iconic locations. Go wine tasting at the American Colony Hotel courtyard and dine at the Notre Dame rooftop boasting a stunning panoramic view of the Old City.

Engage in local life and become one with the community. Visit a school for disadvantaged children where you experience a project where local Christians and meet with local Catholic clergy to learn about their life and work in Jerusalem.

Explore early in the morning and late in the evening. Enjoy an early morning stroll on the Temple Mount. The plaza around the Dome of the Rock is easily one of the most contested pieces of land in the world. For Jews it is the site of the Second Temple, destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. For Muslims it is their third most important Holy site and where the Dome of the Rock is situated. This stroll provides an opportunity to walk on the sacred ground where Abraham intended to sacrifice his son and where the Temple housed the Ark of the Covenant. Circle the Dome of the Rock and to take in the tremendous history and tensions of this Holy site.

Talk an evening walk through the spiritual epicenter of Jerusalem. On Mt Zion see the Tomb of David, the Upper Room, the House of Caiaphas where Jesus was imprisoned before crucifixion and the Dormition Abbey where Mary fell into eternal sleep. Walk from this powerful place into the Old City though the Jewish Quarter and down to view the lit up Western Wall with the Dome of the Rock in the background. Continue along part of the Via Dolorosa though the Christian Quarter past the empty Tomb of Christ in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and up to the Jaffa Gate. This walk takes in the special atmosphere of the evening light of the Old City and traverses 3,000 years of human history as you reflect on your own pilgrimage of faith in the city where Jesus died and rose again.

His Eminence, Juan Luis Cipriani
Thorne, Archbishop Emeritus of
Lima, Peru

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Terms & Conditions

Your trip includes

  • Round-trip airfare from your desired Airport
  • All airport taxes & fuel surcharges
  • Hotel accommodations: (or similar) in double occupancy
      ~ 7 nights: Sep 16 - 23: David Citadel Hotel, Jerusalem, Israel
      ~ 3 nights: Sep 23 - 26: NH Collection Roma Giustiniano, Rome, Italy
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner daily in The Holy Land
  • Breakfast and Dinner daily in Rome
  • Wine and mineral water with dinners
  • Transfers as per itinerary
  • Transportation by air-conditioned motor coach
  • Free Wi-Fi on motor coach
  • Whisper headsets where needed
  • Assistance of a professional local Christian Guide(s)
  • Sightseeing and admissions fees as per itinerary
  • Mass daily & Spiritual activities
  • Farewell Dinner at Notre Dame Rooftop Restaurant
  • Luggage handling (1 piece per person)
  • Tips to Hotel Staff, Restaurants, and Luggage Handlers
  • One Way Flight from Tel Aviv to Rome
  • Confirmed Meeting with the Prelate of Opus Dei – Monsignor Francisco Ocariz Brana
Centrally located hotels or similar
David Citadel Hotel
Jerusalem, Israel
Hotel NH Collection Giustiniano
Rome, Italy

*Renew Wedding Vows in Cana – Couples will have a special opportunity to renew their wedding vows during a ceremony led by their Spiritual Director on Day 4, (Each couple will receive a commemorative Certificate following the ceremony) Please note: It is NOT a Mass, but a ceremony.

Not Included
  • Lunches in Rome, beverages not mentioned, tips to your guide and driver.
Travel Protection

Providing you coverage for situations that may arise during your trip, including medical and dental emergencies, loss of luggage, trip delay, and so much more.

Cancel For Any Reason Waiver

A Cancellation Waiver – allowing you to cancel your trip and receive a refund anytime – up until 48 hours prior to departure.


Day 1 | Sunday, September 15: Depart for the Holy Land

Make your way to your airport where you will board your overnight flight. Your meals are served on board.

Day 2 | Monday, September 16: Arrive in Tel Aviv – Transfer to Jerusalem

Upon arrival in Tel Aviv, you will follow the signs to “Baggage Claim”. You will make your way through Passport Control, and then collect your luggage in the Baggage Claim, and then continue on to the Arrivals Hall where you will be greeted by a Tour Guide and/or 206 Tours Rep. They will escort you out to the Bus, where your checked-bag will be placed underneath the Bus – and you will board the Group Bus and transfer to your Five Star Hotel in Jerusalem. Upon arrival, the Porters will collect your luggage and send them up to your room. You will exit the Bus, into the Lobby of the Hotel, where you will receive your Room Key and “Welcome Letter.” There will be free time to relax and unpack before we make our way to celebrate Mass in the evening, followed by dinner and a restful night’s sleep.

Day 3 | Tuesday, September 17: Mount of Olives – Gethsemane – Mt. Zion – St. Peter in Gallicantu – Saxum Visitor Center
Theme: Palm Sunday and the Agony of the Garden

We start the day on the Mount of Olives with a breath-taking panoramic view of Jerusalem. Visit the Pater Noster Shrine where Jesus taught His disciples the Lord’s Prayer (Pater Noster) (Luke 11:1-4). Then we walk down the Palm Sunday Road, which reminds us of Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Along this route there stands Dominus Flevit which marks the place where Jesus wept over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41). Continue down to Gethsemane; it was here that Jesus brought His disciples to pray the night before He was crucified (Luke 22:29-53). The Garden still contains trees with roots that date back to the time of Jesus. Next to the garden is the Church of All Nations, built over the “Rock of Agony”, where Jesus prayed alone before His arrest. From Gethsemane Jesus was taken to the house of the High Priest Caiaphas on Mt Zion, where we see the dungeons in which He was imprisoned. Also at this place, marked by the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu, is where Peter denied Christ three times and wept bitterly (John 18:15-18), On the upper part of Mt Zion we visit the Upper Room, where Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with His disciples, (Matthew 26:17-30). From here, we will conclude our day with a visit to Saxum Visitor Center which is a multimedia resource center that helps visitors deepen their knowledge of the Holy Land in an interactive way. This project is promoted by members, cooperators, and friends of Opus Dei. Saint Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, the founder of Opus Dei, used the name “Saxum” which is Latin for “Rock” – to refer to Blessed Alvaro del Portillo, his closest collaborator and first successor. Despite not being able to fulfill his dream of going on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Saint Josemaria hoped that others, any Christian show shared his desire, would be able to “pray, kneel and kiss the ground that Jesus trod.” Return to Hotel in time for dinner and overnight.

Day 4 | Wednesday, September 18: Mount Tabor – Nazareth – Cana – Jerusalem

After breakfast, we will board the bus and head to the site of the Transfiguration, Mount Tabor (Matthew 17:1-50). At this site Christ’s Divinity was revealed and we celebrate Mass at the Basilica of the Transfiguration. Then to Nazareth to visit the Church of the Annunciation and St. Joseph’s workshop, now a church. Within the Church of the Annunciation, we will make our way down to the Grotto to see the remains of the house of the Blessed Mother, and where the Angel of the Lord announced the good news to Mary. Celebrate Mass in this Church then continue to Cana. It was here that Jesus performed His first miracle, changing water into wine (John 2.). During your time at the Wedding Church, married couples will have the chance to take part in a ceremony to renew their wedding vows to each other. At the end of the day, we return to our hotel in Jerusalem.

Day 5 | Thursday, September 19: Ein Karem – Bethlehem – Jerusalem
Theme: The Visitation and Nativity

This morning we go the village of Ein Karem to visit to the Church of St John the Baptist, which marks his birthplace (Luke 1.5). Nearby is Church of Visitation that commemorates the visit of our Blessed Mother to her cousin, Elizabeth, staying with her for 3 months (Luke 1.39). Many people pray the Mystery of the Rosary as they walk up the hill to the Church. Later drive to Bethlehem to visit the fields where the Angel appeared to the shepherds to proclaim the birth of Jesus Christ, (Luke 2:8). Continue to Manger Square and the Church of the Nativity. We enter the church through the door of humility and proceed down to the Grotto of the Nativity, which marks the place of Our Saviour’s birth (Matthew 2:1-18). Beneath the altar, there is a silver star and a Latin inscription that states: HIC DE VIRGINE MARIA JESUS CHRISTUS NATUS (Here Jesus Christ was born to the Virgin Mary). Following Mass in Bethlehem return to the hotel in Jerusalem for dinner and an overnight.

Day 6 | Friday, September 20: Sea of Galilee – Tabgha – Mount of Beatitudes – Capernaum
Theme: The Ministry of Christ in the Galilee

This morning we drive north to the Galilee where we board a boat on the beautiful Sea of Galilee, where Jesus spent much of His Ministry (Luke 5:1). At the Mount of Beatitudes we remember the Sermon on the Mount (Luke 6:20-49). At Tabgha is the Church of Multiplication where, with just five loaves of bread and two fish (Luke 9:10-17), He fed the crowd of 5,000. Nearby is St. Peter’s Primacy, where Peter confirmed his Love of Jesus (John 21). In this very place, Jesus anointed Peter to become the first Pope. End the day at Capernaum, the town of Jesus. Here Jesus lived, in Peter’s House, and launched the ministry that was to change our lives and the world. We celebrate Mass here before return to Jerusalem.

Day 7 | Saturday, September 21: Via Dolorosa – Church of the Holy Sepulchre – Pool of Bethesda – Western Wall
Theme: The Way of the Cross, The Crucifixion, The Resurrection

Very early this morning we walk together in prayerful procession along the Via Dolorosa (The Way of the Cross). We start at the Antonia Fortress, where Jesus was condemned to death by Pontius Pilate (John 18:28-19:16) and receives His cross. We end the procession at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, which marks the place of the Crucifixion & the Resurrection, (Luke 23:26-33). After Mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher we return to the hotel for breakfast. Later we return to the Old City to visit to the Church of St. Anne’s, the traditional birthplace of the Virgin Mary. Nearby is the Pool of Bethesda, where Jesus healed the crippled man (John 5:1-9). End the day with a visit the Western Wall, which is the last remnant of the Jewish Temple destroyed in 70 A.D.

Day 8 | Sunday, September 22: Jericho - Jordan River - Dead Sea
Theme: The Judean Wilderness and the Baptism of Christ

This morning you will drive through the Judean Wilderness, the site where Jesus spent His 40 days of fasting. From there, we head to the Jordan River for some time to reflect on the Baptism of Christ ( Matthew 3:13-17). In the afternoon we visit Qumran, the Essene site where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. (Ezekiel 47:8-10). These writings have helped further the understanding of the Jewish background to Christianity. There is also time to swim or float on the Dead Sea, the lowest and saltiest place on Earth before returning to Jerusalem for dinner and overnight.

Day 9 | Monday, September 23: Jerusalem – Jaffa – Rome

This morning you will board your transfer and drive to the shores of the Mediterranean near the harbor from which St. Paul sailed on his journeys to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Continue through Tel Aviv, the economic & cultural hub of the country and onto ancient Jaffa. It was here that St Peter raised Tabitha from the dead and stayed with Simon the Tanner (Acts 10-:5) which was a sign that Christianity was meant for all peoples. Visit the Church of St. Peter in Jaffa. Then you will proceed to Tel Aviv Airport for your flight to Rome. Upon arrival in Rome, you will be met by your driver and transfered to the hotel for check-in. This afternoon, your guide will introduce himself and then you will make your way to Mass, followed by a Welcome Dinner with wine, and retire to your room.

Day 10 | Tuesday, September 24: Rome: Santa Croce – Villa Tevere – Lunch at Sede Sapientiae – Meeting with Monsignor Fernando Ocariz Brana (Prelate of Opus Dei – Vatican City) - Exclusive “Vatican By Night” Tour

Following breakfast, we will celebrate Mass and then continue to the Basilica of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme. The Chapel of the Holy Relics is the focus, housing the relics said to have been found on Mt. Calvary –Fragments of the Cross of Christ, Two thorns from the Crown placed on his head, one of the nails used in the crucifixion, a large piece of the cross of the repentant thief, and stone fragments of the scourging pillar. Then we continue to Villa Tevere, Headquarters of Opus Dei. This is where the Prelate and other members of the Prelature reside. Within the complex is Santa Maria della Pace, the prelatic Church of Opus Dei. A small crypt under the Church are buried Bishops Alvaro del Portillo (who was Beatified in 2014) and Javier Echevarria. They were the first and second successors of St. Josemaria. St. Josemaria was buried in this crypt, and on a marble slab, under the deal of Opus Dei, the inscription: THE FATHER, which still remains. After the Beatification in 1992, the body of the founder was moved to the prelatic Church and placed under the altar where it remains today. We will spend approximately three (3) hours between these two sites touring and praying before we make our way to lunch at Sede Sapientiae with the Seminarians. After, you have been confirmed for a Private Meeting with Monsignor Fernando Ocariz Brana – Prelate of Opus Dei in Vatican City. Following will allow some free time on your own before you gather for dinner at nearby restaurant. After, you will make your way to the Vatican Museum for a very special “Vatican by Night” Tour. You will start with a cocktail, and then make your way through the Museum that is now closed the public. View the Tapestry Gallery, Raphael Rooms, Sistine Chapel and Michelangelo’s Masterpiece in a quiet and less crowded environment. The Tour of the Vatican will conclude at St. Peter’s Basilica, built on site where St. Peter, was martyred. Pray at the tomb of St. John Paul II. View the Michelangelo’s Pieta, a sculpture depicting the Virgin Mary holding Christ after His crucifixion. Return to your hotel for a restful nights sleep.

Day 11 | Wednesday, September 25: Rome: Papal Audience – Christian Rome Tour (Half Day)

We begin with the Papal Audience in St. Peter’s Square! The Audience is celebrated each Wednesday by His Holiness, Pope Francis (pending the papal schedule). Following the Audience, we will visit the Trevi Fountain, where you may enjoy some free time on your own for lunch. This afternoon, you will visit the oldest of the four major Basilicas in Rome, and the home to the relics of Peter and Paul, the Basilica of St. John the Lateran. This Basilica is where Pope Francis was installed as Bishop of Rome. Next, you will cross the street to visit the Holy Stairs. These Holy Stairs are the very steps leading up to the praetorium of Pontius Pilate in Jerusalem on which Jesus stepped on his way to trial during his Passion. The Stairs were brought to Rome by Saint Helena in the fourth century. Ascending these stairs on your knees, in memory of Christ’s agonizing Passion. We conclude your day, with a Mass at the Basilica of St. Mary Major. Church dedicated to Our Blessed Mother, St. Mary Major reigns as the only Basilica that has kept its original structure and is an authentic jewel in the crown of Roman Churches. This Basilica contains a relic from the Manger of the Infant Jesus. The day concludes with a visit to the Basilica of St. Paul Outside The Walls. Originally founded by Emperor Constantine in the 4th century this Basilica is the burial place of Saint Paul the Apostle. Dinner and overnight.

Day 12 | Thursday, September 26: Return Home

After an early breakfast and heartfelt farewells, transfer to Rome Fiumicino Airport for return flights home.

*206 Tours Disclaimer:
Occasionally local religious and national holidays, weather, traffic conditions and other events may necessitate changes in the sequence of events or the missing of certain events/places. Though every effort will be made to follow the itinerary, it should be considered as an indication, rather than a contract of events and places to be visited.

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Let us know at the time of registration if you would like to arrive earlier, or stay later, than the scheduled tour dates, and pending availability, we will change your airline reservations accordingly, additional fees may apply. Pre- and/or post-stays at the hotel will cost an additional fee. These options should be available to you when registering online, or simply contact us: sales@206tours.com

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$500.00 Deposit is due at the time of Registration

*If within 90 days prior to departure, Full Payment is due at time of Registration.

About your trip

About Rome:

Rome has been one of history’s most powerful and important cities, along with home to the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope, and the site of the Vatican City. First built in 337, St. Peter’s Basilica lies over the tomb of St. Peter. Contained within is a vast array of the most beautiful artwork ever assembled, reflecting the immensity, beauty, vastness, majesty, glory and awesomeness of God.
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About The Holy Land – In the footsteps of Jesus:

If you desire to draw closer to Jesus of Nazareth, come, as we follow in His footsteps. Each day of your pilgrimage you will have time to renew and affirm your faith; to pray and reflect. The Scriptures will come alive as you visit Our Lord’s homeland. You will be inspired by the natural beauty of the landscape, in addition to its rich historical heritage It is an encounter that has changed the lives of many pilgrims, an act of faith and prayer. Pilgrims have been traveling to the Holy Land for hundreds of years, and as part of your pilgrimage, we include many of the rich traditions that have evolved over time. The maxim at the entrance to the Church of the Nativity says: “We are hoping that: If you enter here as a tourist, you would exit as a pilgrim. If you enter here as a pilgrim, you would exit as a holier one.” We pray that same will occur when you join 206 Tours pilgrimage.

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About your trip

About Rome:

Rome has been one of history’s most powerful and important cities, along with home to the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope, and the site of the Vatican City. First built in 337, St. Peter’s Basilica lies over the tomb of St. Peter. Contained within is a vast array of the most beautiful artwork ever assembled, reflecting the immensity, beauty, vastness, majesty, glory and awesomeness of God.
Terms & Conditions

About The Holy Land – In the footsteps of Jesus:

If you desire to draw closer to Jesus of Nazareth, come, as we follow in His footsteps. Each day of your pilgrimage you will have time to renew and affirm your faith; to pray and reflect. The Scriptures will come alive as you visit Our Lord’s homeland. You will be inspired by the natural beauty of the landscape, in addition to its rich historical heritage It is an encounter that has changed the lives of many pilgrims, an act of faith and prayer. Pilgrims have been traveling to the Holy Land for hundreds of years, and as part of your pilgrimage, we include many of the rich traditions that have evolved over time. The maxim at the entrance to the Church of the Nativity says: “We are hoping that: If you enter here as a tourist, you would exit as a pilgrim. If you enter here as a pilgrim, you would exit as a holier one.” We pray that same will occur when you join 206 Tours pilgrimage.

Pilgriamge Information
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We promise to do all within our power to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. Please feel free to contact us, please note should any problems arise during your trip you should first contact your local emergency contact in your destination country or the 206 Tours.

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