16 Days

Greece, Rome & Egypt Pilgrimage

Spiritual Director: Msgr. Alfred Cedric Culmer

September 25 – October 10, 2025


Greece, Rome & Egypt Pilgrimage

Spiritual Director:

Msgr. Alfred Cedric Culmer

September 25 – October 10, 2025


Cairo · Memphis · Alexandria · Thessaloniki · Philippi · Kavala · Kalambaka · Meteora · Delphi · Athens · Corinth · Rome · St. Peter's Basilica · Vatican Museum · Appian Way · Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls · Catacombs · Papal Audience · Trevi Fountain · Pantheon · Basilica of St. John the Lateran · Holy Stairs · Basilica of St. Mary Major ·


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Cairo · Memphis · Alexandria · Thessaloniki · Philippi · Kavala · Kalambaka · Meteora · Delphi · Athens · Corinth · Rome · St. Peter's Basilica · Vatican Museum · Appian Way · Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls · Catacombs · Papal Audience · Trevi Fountain · Pantheon · Basilica of St. John the Lateran · Holy Stairs · Basilica of St. Mary Major ·

Msgr. Alfred Cedric Culmer

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Your trip includes

  • Round trip airfare from London (LHR)
  • Airport Taxes and Fuel Surcharges
  • Hotel accommodations: (or similar) in double occupancy
      ~ 3 nights: Sep 26 - 29: Conrad Cairo Hotel & Casino, Cairo, Egypt
      ~ 1 night: Sep 29 - 30: First Class Alexandria Hotel
      ~ 1 night: Sep 30 - Oct 1: Conrad Cairo Hotel & Casino, Cairo, Egypt
      ~ 2 nights: Oct 1 - 3: The Met Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece
      ~ 1 night: Oct 3 - 4: Hotel Divani Meteora, Meteora, Greece
      ~ 1 night: Oct 4 - 5: Amalia Hotel Delphi, Delphi, Greece
      ~ 2 nights: Oct 5 - 7: Royal Olympic Hotel, Athens, Greece
      ~ 4 nights: Oct 7 - 11: Hotel Della Conciliazione, Rome, Italy
  • Breakfast and Dinner daily
  • Wine and mineral water with dinners
  • Transfers as per itinerary
  • Transportation by air-conditioned motor coach
  • Whisper Headsets where needed
  • Assistance of a professional local Catholic Guide
  • Sightseeing and admissions fees as per itinerary
  • Mass daily & Spiritual activities
  • Luggage handling (1 piece per person)
  • Tips to hotel staff, restaurants, luggage handlers
  • Flight bag & Portfolio of all travel documents
Centrally located hotels or similar
Conrad Cairo Hotel & Casino
Cairo, Egypt
The Met Hotel
Thessaloniki, Greece
Hotel Divani Meteora
Meteora, Greece
Amalia Hotel Delphi
Delphi, Greece
Royal Olympic Hotel
Athens, Greece
Hotel Della Conciliazione
Rome, Italy
Not Included
  • Beverages and meals not mentioned, tips to your guide & driver.
Travel Protection

Providing you coverage for situations that may arise during your trip, including medical and dental emergencies, loss of luggage, trip delay, and so much more.

Cancel For Any Reason Waiver

A Cancellation Waiver – allowing you to cancel your trip and receive a refund anytime – up until 48 hours prior to departure.


Day 1 | Thursday, September 25: Depart London for Egypt

We depart London and arrive in the land of the Pharaohs, Jacob, Joseph and Israel during the famine! Upon arrival at the airport we meet our guide and are immediately transported into Cairo, the capital of Egypt. We transfer to our hotel to settle in and start soaking up the atmosphere of this exciting city.

Day 2 | Friday, September 26: Cairo

Following breakfast embark on a visit to the Egyptian museum which is the home of the Boy-King Tut with his achievements and treasures displayed. After a short optional lunch break, we travel to ancient Egypt with a full day of touring to the wonders of the ancient world, some of which date back to 1000+ years prior to Abraham. We spend time at one of the seven wonders of the worldthe pyramids. Cheops, with an original height of 496 feet, is the most colossal pyramid ever built. Stop by a papyrus factory before we do a panoramic view of Cairo. Dinner and overnight at hotel.

Day 3 | Saturday, September 27: Cairo – Memphis

Breakfast and enjoy a short ride to Memphis. Founded around 3,100 BC, Memphis is the legendary city of Menes, the King who united Upper and Lower Egypt. From a Biblical perspective, Memphis is most likely where Abraham lied to Pharaoh about his wife Sarah being his sister and where Joseph served as second in command. While in Memphis we will view a very large and well preserved statue of Ramses II. Next is Sakkara, which is one of the most extensive archaeological sites in Egypt! Sakkara is dominated by the Step Pyramid of King Zoser, dating back to 2700 BC. It is one of the oldest stone structures in the world! Enjoy a stop to see how local Egyptian carpets are made before a short drive to our hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 4 | Sunday, September 28: Cairo - Alexandria

Breakfast and Drive to Alexandria where we will stop on the way to visit Wadi el Natroun, Syrians and St. Bishoy monasteries, meeting some of the monks there. Continue to Alexandria. Dinner and overnight.

Day 5 | Monday, September 29: Alexandria – Cairo

Breakfast. Visits of the Qait bay fort , the Cata comb. Stroll through the corniche to have an outside view of the famous Alexandria library and then going to Pompey’s pillar. Drive to Cairo. Farewell dinner.

Day 6 | Tuesday, September 30: Cairo Airport – Thessaloniki

Following breakfast transfer to Cairo airport for your flight to Thessaloniki. Upon landing at Makedonia Thessaloniki Airport, make your way to the baggage claim area and collect your luggage. Proceed to the Arrival’s Hall, where you will be greeted by your tour guide and/or driver. You will be escorted to the bus to be transferred to your hotel. Enjoy some time to relax after check in and this evening enjoy a delicious meal. Overnight in Thessaloniki.

Day 7 | Wednesday, October 1: Philippi - Kavala - Thessaloniki

After breakfast, start your journey in Greece with the first stop of the day in Philippi. Philippi was the city where Saint Paul the Apostle delivered his first sermon and where he established the first church in Europe. “And from there (He went) to Philippi, which is the leading city of the district of Macedonia and a Roman Colony. We remained in this city some days…” (Acts 16:12-18). Also, it is the site where Saint Paul baptized a woman named Lydia, the first convert to Christianity in Europe. Visit the Roman Forum, where Saint Paul cast a spirit out of a fortune-telling woman. While here, you will have the opportunity to view the prison (now in ruins) in which Saint Paul and Silas were thrown into by the owners of the fortune-tellers. Continue to the modern port city of Kavala, which was once the ancient Neapolis. This port is where Saint Paul, Silas, Luke and Timothy landed when they sailed into Europe. After enjoying this city by the sea, return to Thessaloniki for a delicious meal and restful overnight.

Day 8 | Thursday, October 2: Thessaloniki City Tour - Kalambaka

Start your day with breakfast at the hotel. In the winter of 49-50 A.D., Saint Paul wrote two epistles to the Thessalonians. These letters urged Christians to “live blamelessly” and to refrain from living idly while they wait for the second coming of Christ. While in Thessaloniki, you will witness a number of ancient artifacts, such as the triumphal Arch of Galerius that is found at the start of Via Egnatia. Due to the convenient location, this arch was once a strategic artery of the Roman Empire. It was originally constructed in order to honor the Roman Emperor Galerius following the Roman victory over the Persians. Following your city-tour, transfer to Kalambaka. This evening, you will have a wonderful meal and a relaxing overnight in Kalambaka.

Day 9 | Friday, October 3: Meteora - Delphi

After breakfast, you will go for a short drive to the Meteora Monasteries. In the eleventh century, there were monks who settled within caves. However, as the occupation of the Turkish increased, the monks were forced to move their settlements higher upon the rocks until they were unreachable by any opposing enemy. These settlements became Monasteries by bringing building, and living, materials by ladders and baskets. The Meteora Monasteries are notorious for preserving not only the Hellenic religion, but also, their academics and arts. During your visit, you will be able to view stunning Byzantine art, as well as the breathtaking scenery that surrounds the Monastery. Continue to Delphi for dinner and an overnight.

Day 10 | Saturday, October 4: Delphi - Athens

Visit Delphi, the center of the ancient world (navel) of the earth, whose prestige extended far beyond the boundaries of the Hellenic world. On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, in a landscape of unparalleled beauty and majesty, lie the ruins of the Sanctuary of Apollo Phthios. Visit the site and the museum and continue to Athens, “Men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are religious. For as I passed along and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription “to an unknown God”. What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you…” Athens is one of the most glorious cities in the world and the cradle of western civilization as we know it today. Dinner and an overnight at your hotel in Athens.

Day 11 | Sunday, October 5: Athens - Excursion to Corinth

After a nice breakfast at the hotel, you will start with a tour of the oldest city in the world, Athens! Visit the rock that has dominated the panorama of Athens for twenty-five centuries, the Acropolis. At the Acropolis, you will see the ruins of the Parthenon, Erectheum, and Propylae. After, you will ascend Mars Hill of where Saint Paul spoke to the Athenians. At this site, Paul spoke to the Athenians about the one and only God (Acts 17:22). While in this city, you will be able to view the ancient Agora, the former public center of Athenian life. It held the focus of a political, commercial, social, religious, and cultural center. As you are in the former political center, proceed for a drive through the city to view the House of Parliament on Syntagma Square. Also, you will have the opportunity to view the University of Athens, the oldest higher education institute in Greece, as well as, the National Library of Greece that holds 4,500 Greek manuscripts. Then, visit Panathenaic Stadium, the beautifully marbled multi-purpose stadium. It is home to the Olympian Zeus, and is the site of the first modern era Olympics (1896). Following your visit in Athens, you will proceed to the ancient Corinth. Under the shadow of the towering Acropolis, Saint Paul lived in Corinth for two years. While here, Saint Paul felt great grief over the way that the Gentile Church in Corinth has become. As a result, he was prompted to write four letters, all with the overarching theme of love. In Corinth, you will have the opportunity to view the remains of the first century shops, the site of Saint Paul’s trial by Gallio, the Fountain of Peirene, and the Temple of Apollo. Following your visit to Corinth, return to Athens for a delicious meal and an overnight.

Day 12 | Monday, October 6: Athens – Rome

After breakfast, depart to Athens airport for your quick flight to Rome. Welcome to Rome, also known as, “The Eternal City”. Upon arrival at Rome airport, collect your luggage in the baggage claim area, and continue to the Arrivals Hall, where you will be greeted by a tour escort and/or driver. You will make your way to the bus and transfer to your hotel. Following check-in, you will have free time to unpack and relax, or explore Rome on your own. Your tour escort may suggest places to visit. Later in the afternoon, your group will meet in the hotel lobby and depart for Mass. Following Mass, you will attend dinner. After dinner, you will have the opportunity to walk to St. Peter’s Square as a group, for the Rosary (optional).

Day 13 | Tuesday, October 7: Rome: St. Peter's Basilica - Vatican Museum - Appian Way - Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls - Catacombs

Today we tour St. Peter’s Basilica, built on the site where St. Peter the Apostle was martyred. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to view Michelangelo’s Pieta sculpture, pray at the tombs of Pope Benedict XVI and St. John Paul II. Next you will visit the Vatican Museum, where you can see the Tapestry Gallery, Raphael Rooms, and Sistine Chapel. After lunch, continue down the Appian Way, one of the earliest roads built in ancient Rome to the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls and the Catacombs. Dinner and overnight in Rome.

Day 14 | Wednesday, October 8: Papal Audience - Trevi Fountain – Pantheon - Basilica of St. John the Lateran – Holy Stairs - Basilica of St. Mary Major

This morning we attend the Papal Audience in St. Peter’s Square or at the Audience Hall. The Audience is celebrated each Wednesday by His Holiness, Pope Francis (pending the papal schedule). Next Trevi Fountain area for some free time and lunch (on own). This afternoon, visit the oldest of the four major Basilicas in Rome, the Archbasilica of St. John the Lateran, the cathedral church and seat of the Bishop of Rome. Cross the street to the very steps that lead up to the praetorium of Pontius Pilate in Jerusalem which Jesus climbed on His way to trial during his Passion. Holy Mass will be celebrated by our priest at the Basilica of St. Mary Major, dedicated to Our Blessed Mother. Dinner and overnight.

Day 15 | Thursday, October 9: Rome Free day

Following breakfast enjoy free day in Rome dedicated to personal devotion, prayers or some last minute shopping. Group will gather together for Mass later in the day followed by farewell dinner. Dinner and overnight in Rome.

Day 16 | Friday, October 10: Rome Airport – London

Following breakfast transfer to Rome airport for your flight to London with memories of a lifetime. End of services.

*206 Tours Disclaimer:
Occasionally local religious and national holidays, weather, traffic conditions and other events may necessitate changes in the sequence of events or the missing of certain events/places. Though every effort will be made to follow the itinerary, it should be considered as an indication, rather than a contract of events and places to be visited.

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Let us know at the time of registration if you would like to arrive earlier, or stay later, than the scheduled tour dates, and pending availability, we will change your airline reservations accordingly, additional fees may apply. Pre- and/or post-stays at the hotel will cost an additional fee. These options should be available to you when registering online, or simply contact us: sales@206tours.com

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$500.00 Deposit is due at the time of Registration

*If within 90 days prior to departure, Full Payment is due at time of Registration.

About your trip

About Rome:

Rome has been one of history’s most powerful and important cities, along with home to the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope, and the site of the Vatican City. First built in 337, St. Peter’s Basilica lies over the tomb of St. Peter. Contained within is a vast array of the most beautiful artwork ever assembled, reflecting the immensity, beauty, vastness, majesty, glory and awesomeness of God.
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About Greece and Saint Paul

The important role that Greece has played in history is widely known; philosophy, the arts, medicine, democracy. But there is also a great page in the history of Christianity: early days of Christianity and the ministry of the Apostle Paul! This amazing man, moved by the Holy Spirit preached “good news” to Jews and Gentiles. Traveling along the major trade routes of the Roman empire and visiting large thriving communities of Asia Minor and Greece his mission was accomplished; Christianity became the biggest religion in the world. Our tours are not just tours; they are an inspiring journey to the actual places where the Apostle Paul lived and preached God’s word. Travel with our bible-oriented guides down timeless roads; take time to pray and rejoice in the ancient biblical sites; visit thousand-year-old Churches and temples; and encounter a unique spiritual experience that will help you to better understand “The Steps of Paul” selecting bible-oriented guides, incorporating lectures and providing printed material, for people to achieve a deeper understanding of the Apostle Paul and his work.

About Egypt:

On this incredible Pilgrimage to Egypt, visit several wonders of the world like, the pyramids dating back to 1,000 years before the life of Abraham, and the Sphinx. Experience a new culture in ancient and modern cities that will take your breath away like Cairo, Giza, and Alexandria!

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About your trip

About Rome:

Rome has been one of history’s most powerful and important cities, along with home to the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope, and the site of the Vatican City. First built in 337, St. Peter’s Basilica lies over the tomb of St. Peter. Contained within is a vast array of the most beautiful artwork ever assembled, reflecting the immensity, beauty, vastness, majesty, glory and awesomeness of God.
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About Greece and Saint Paul

The important role that Greece has played in history is widely known; philosophy, the arts, medicine, democracy. But there is also a great page in the history of Christianity: early days of Christianity and the ministry of the Apostle Paul! This amazing man, moved by the Holy Spirit preached “good news” to Jews and Gentiles. Traveling along the major trade routes of the Roman empire and visiting large thriving communities of Asia Minor and Greece his mission was accomplished; Christianity became the biggest religion in the world. Our tours are not just tours; they are an inspiring journey to the actual places where the Apostle Paul lived and preached God’s word. Travel with our bible-oriented guides down timeless roads; take time to pray and rejoice in the ancient biblical sites; visit thousand-year-old Churches and temples; and encounter a unique spiritual experience that will help you to better understand “The Steps of Paul” selecting bible-oriented guides, incorporating lectures and providing printed material, for people to achieve a deeper understanding of the Apostle Paul and his work.

About Egypt:

On this incredible Pilgrimage to Egypt, visit several wonders of the world like, the pyramids dating back to 1,000 years before the life of Abraham, and the Sphinx. Experience a new culture in ancient and modern cities that will take your breath away like Cairo, Giza, and Alexandria!

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