Tour 106-S

Grand Shrines of Italy

23 days

Tour 106-S

Grand Shrines of Italy

23 days

Naples · Sorrento · Pompeii · Amalfi (St. Andrew) · Capri · Rome (Pope Francis) · Monte Cassino · San Giovanni Rotondo (Padre Pio) · Monte Sant'Angelo (St. Michael) · Lanciano (Eucharistic Miracle) · Loreto (Holy House) · Assisi (St. Francis) · Orvieto · Siena · Florence · Padua (St. Anthony) · Venice · Verona · Milan (Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci) · Pavia (Certosa di Pavia monastery) · Mesero (St. Gianna Beretta Molla) · Castelnuovo Don Bosco (St. John Bosco) · Turin (Shroud) · Oropa (Marian Shrine) · Biella

Naples · Sorrento · Pompeii · Amalfi (St. Andrew) · Capri · Rome (Pope Francis) · Monte Cassino · San Giovanni Rotondo (Padre Pio) · Monte Sant'Angelo (St. Michael) · Lanciano (Eucharistic Miracle) · Loreto (Holy House) · Assisi (St. Francis) · Orvieto · Siena · Florence · Padua (St. Anthony) · Venice · Verona · Milan (Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci) · Pavia (Certosa di Pavia monastery) · Mesero (St. Gianna Beretta Molla) · Castelnuovo Don Bosco (St. John Bosco) · Turin (Shroud) · Oropa (Marian Shrine) · Biella

Apart from the endless beauty, the Amalfi Coast is world-famous for its culture, food, wine, Churches, and views from the rolling hills along the coastline. Be introduced to the life of St. Philomena, the Wonder Worker, who proclaimed “Stand firm under the protection of Mary!” While being a famous spot visited by thousands every year, it maintains a quaint, and cozy feeling that will immerse you in the “Vita Bella.”

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Your trip includes

Centrally located hotels or similar
Hotel Michelangelo
Sorrento, Italy
Le Meridien Visconti Hotel
Rome, Italy
Centro Di Spiritualità Padre Pio
San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy
Giotto Hotel
Assisi, Italy
Hotel Machiavelli Palace
Florence, Italy
Hotel Biri Best Western
Padua, Italy
Grand Visconti Palace
Milan, Italy
Best Western Plus Hotel Genova
Turin, Italy
Group Size

Group Size may vary between 18 to maximum 33, always
accompanied by a Catholic Priest and Tour Guide throughout.

Not Included
  • Lunches, Tips to your guide & driver.
Travel Protection

Providing you coverage for situations that may arise during your trip, including medical and dental emergencies, loss of luggage, trip delay, and so much more.

Cancel For Any Reason Waiver

A Cancellation Waiver – allowing you to cancel your trip and receive a refund anytime – up until 48 hours prior to departure.


Day 1: Depart for Naples

Make your way to your local airport, where you will board your overnight flight(s). Meals will be served on board.

Day 2: Arrival Naples

Upon arrival at Naples airport, you will meet your tour escort who will accompany you throughout your tour. We’ll transfer to our hotel in Sorrento for dinner and overnight.

Day 3: Excursion Pompeii

After breakfast, board your motor coach to Pompeii, the famous ancient city buried by the ashes of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD. You will walk through one of the most important and interesting archeological museums in the world. This is a preserved site of excavated ruins of streets and homes that pilgrims can freely explore. Visit the Shrine of the Rosary of Pompei “La Madonna Del Rosario”, one of the most visited Catholic Shrines. The painting of “Our Lady of the Rosary” with its bronze gilt frame is presented to the pilgrims on the high altar. The venerated painting depicts the Virgin Mary and Child Jesus presenting the Rosary to Saint Dominic and Saint Catherine of Siena. Inside the shrine there are also two very important relics belonging to the Passion of Christ; a thorn from the Crown of Thorns and a small piece of the Holy Cross. Enjoy some time to relax before dinner and overnight.

Day 4: Amalfi Coast

Today you will tour the Amalfi Coast, widely considered one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world; deemed a UNESCO World Heritage site as an outstanding example of a Mediterranean landscape. You’ll follow the 34 miles of winding roads, making a quick stop to view the breathtaking panoramic view of Positano. Continue through Praiano where you will drive by St. Gennaro Church, to Amalfi, one of the four maritime Republics of Italy, and view the beautiful Amalfi Cathedral consecrated to its patron, Saint Andrew. Some free time for lunch before your last stop on the Amalfi coast, Ravello. View its interesting Cathedral devoted to Saint Pantaleone, and the Villa Rufolo, a venue for many festivals throughout the year and magnificent gardens. View the Gulf of Salerno and its beautiful coastline. Enjoy the landscape on your return to Sorrento, where you will enjoy dinner and an overnight.

Day 5: Capri

Transfer to the pier in Sorrento and travel to Capri by hydrofoil. The Isle of Capri is described in many ways: “The Blue Island,” “The Sleeping Beauty,” or better, “The Island of Love.” Due to its beauty, Emperor Tiberius ruled the Roman Empire from this island for 10 years. Take a panoramic tour of the island by small minibuses and the Blue Grotto (weather permitting) by row boats with a local guide, including a visit to the wonderful Marina Piccola; the Salto di Tiberio, the “heart” of Capri; Piazza Umberto I, a small, closed off square resembling a courtyard; the gardens of Augusto, built on the ruins of ancient Roman structures. Return to Sorrento this evening for dinner and overnight.

Day 6: Sorrento to Rome

Departing Sorrento after breakfast, we will make a stop to ascend to the Sacro Monte della Santissima Trinità di Gaeta, offering silent reflection amidst breathtaking coastal views. Seek further solace at the historic cappella Maria SS Della Civita before continuing to Rome. Welcome to Rome, also known as “The Eternal City.” You will travel together for Mass before dinner. After dinner you have to opportunity to join in a walk to St. Peter’s Square for the Rosary (optional).

Day 7: Rome: Papal Audience - Trevi Fountain - Basilica of St. John the Lateran - Holy Stairs - Basilica of St. Mary Major

This morning we attend the Papal Audience in St. Peter’s Square or at the Audience Hall. The Audience is celebrated each Wednesday by His Holiness, Pope Francis (pending the papal schedule). Next Trevi Fountain area for some free time and lunch (on own). This afternoon, visit the oldest of the four major Basilicas in Rome, the Archbasilica of St. John the Lateran, the cathedral church and seat of the Bishop of Rome. Cross the street to the very steps that lead up to the praetorium of Pontius Pilate in Jerusalem which Jesus climbed on His way to trial during his Passion. Holy Mass will be celebrated by our priest at the Basilica of St. Mary Major, dedicated to Our Blessed Mother. Dinner and overnight.

Day 8: Rome: St. Peter's Basilica - Vatican Museum - Appian Way - Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls - Catacombs
Tomb of Pope Benedict XVI

Today we tour St. Peter’s Basilica, built on the site where St. Peter the Apostle was martyred. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to view Michelangelo’s Pieta sculpture, pray at the tombs of Pope Benedict XVI and St. John Paul II. Next you will visit the Vatican Museum, where you can see the Tapestry Gallery, Raphael Rooms, and Sistine Chapel. After lunch, continue down the Appian Way, one of the earliest roads built in ancient Rome to the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls and the Catacombs. Dinner and overnight in Rome.

Day 9: Rome – Monte Cassino - San Giovanni Rotondo

This morning, you will board the bus and enjoy the scenic route to the Abbey of Monte Cassino, the principal monastery of the Benedictine Order, founded by St. Benedict around 530 A.D. Continue on to San Giovanni Rotondo, where St. Pio of Pietrelcina (St. Padre Pio) lived for many decades and where thousands of people have flocked in order to be closer to this great saint and to Our Lord. Dinner and overnight in San Giovanni Rotondo.

Day 10: an Giovanni Rotondo - Monte Sant' Angelo

Visit the Old Church of Our Lady of Grace, see the confessional from where St. Pio spent an innumerable number of hours listening to confessions. Next, you will board the bus and travel along the beautiful Gargano Peninsula to the Grotto of St. Michael the Archangel. Return for dinner and overnight in San Giovanni Rotondo. *Candlelight Procession – Between May and October, attend the weekly candlelight procession at the Sanctuary of St. Pio after dinner, at 9:00 pm.

Day 11: San Giovanni Rotondo - Lanciano - Loreto - Assisi

After breakfast, you we leave for Assisi. On the way we stop in Lanciano for private Mass at the Convent/Church of Saint Francis built on top of the antique Church of St. Longinus – the site of a Eucharistic Miracle that occurred in the eighth century. At the time of the miracle, there was a Basilian monk, who struggled with the belief in the Real Presence in the Eucharist. During the time of Mass, the monk, with doubt in his voice, said the words of consecration and the bread and wine transformed into physical flesh and blood. Leave for Marian shrine of Loreto to visit the Holy House of Nazareth and the beautiful Madonna of Loreto. Tradition holds that this is the house in which Mary first prayed the Magnificat, in which Jesus grew to manhood, and in which the Holy Family lived, before it was transported several times by angels, to its current location. End the day in Assisi, hometown of St. Francis and St. Clare, with dinner and overnight at your hotel.

Day 12: Assisi (St. Francis)

Tour of the Basilica of St. Francis, where you will see the tomb of St. Francis, and have the opportunity to view a series of frescoes depicting his life, along with a few of the saint’s possessions. Next you will visit the Santuario Della Spogliazione where Blessed Carlo Acutis’ tomb is, the first millennial to be declared Blessed. Continue tour by walking through this picturesque town, where St. Francis and St. Clare both followed God’s call to rebuild his church. Enjoy some free time – for additional prayer, shop and lunch. After lunch, board the bus, which will take you outside of the walls of Assisi, to the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels. This Basilica is made up of two structures, both of which you will visit. The first structure is the “Porziuncola” and the second is the “Capella del Transito” which is the place where St. Francis died. Return to the hotel for dinner and a restful overnight.

Day 13: Assisi - Orvieto - Assisi

This morning, you will ride through the beautiful Umbrian mountains to Orvieto. This incredible town sits on a volcanic high rock formation. Here we visit one of the most beautiful and most renowned Cathedrals in Italy. Because of its strategic location, it’s Christian history officially started in 1004, but Orvieto was built over preexisting Etruscan era cave tunnels dating back 2,500 years, which some historians believe Christians used to celebrate Mass when Christianity was forbidden. Return to Assisi for dinner and overnight.

Day 14: Assisi - Siena - Florence

Breakfast, followed by a scenic drive to the Tuscan city of Siena. This medieval city is the birthplace of St. Catherine “Doctor of the Church”, and the Apostle of Italy, St. Bernardine. Visit the Basilica of St. Catherine (which is also known as the Basilica of St. Domenico). St. Catherine passed a large part of her life inside the walls of this Basilica. It is here you will also view the incorrupt head of St. Catherine. After, visit the Shrine of St. Catherine, which occupies the site of her family home. Enjoy your walking tour through the Siena including a visit to its Cathedral (Duomo di Siena). Conclude at one of Italy’s finest squares, the Piazza Del Campo, where you will be given free time to spend at your own leisure. There are a number of restaurants surrounding the square to have lunch, as well as shops for gifts and souvenirs. Continue on to Florence. Upon arrival in Florence, you will notice immediately that it is the land for art lovers. Some of the most world-renowned artists are from Florence such as Dante, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Botticelli, Donatello, and many others. For the remainder of the afternoon, you will have the opportunity to explore the streets of Florence at leisure. In the evening gather for dinner, followed by an overnight.

Day 15: Florence

In Florence, your day begins with breakfast, followed by a guided tour. The tour starts at the Church of the Holy Cross, the Santa Croce, where many nobles are buried, such as Michelangelo, Galileo, and Machiavelli. Continue to walk by Piazza Signorina, Palazzo Vecchio, Uffizi, Ponte Vecchio, and Republic Square to the Santa Maria del Fiore. This Cathedral is an iconic piece of architecture of the city of Florence. It was designed by Filippo Brunelleschi in the 13th century. Next, a visit to L’Accademia, the well-known art gallery. At this gallery, you will have the opportunity to view the work from artists such as Botticelli, Ghirlandaio, Pontormo, and the ever famous sculpture by Michelangelo, David. This afternoon you will have time to explore Florence on your own. Return to the hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 16: Florence - Padua

Following breakfast at your hotel, board the motorcoach for your transfer to Padua. This Northern Italian city honors the “Patron Saint of Lost Things and Causes”, St. Anthony. You will begin a sightseeing tour of the city, including a view of one of the oldest Universities in Italy, the University of Padua, as well as the Basilica of Santa Giustina, the “Patron Saint of Padua.” The tour will conclude at the Basilica of St. Anthony, where you will have the opportunity to visit his tomb. Return to the hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 17: Padua - Venice (Full Day Excursion)

Today, you will have early breakfast and then board your bus to depart to the magical city of Venice. After Mass, enjoy a tour of the “city paved with water!” Your walking tour includes a visit to St. Mark’s Square, the largest square in the city and the site of many government buildings; the Golden Basilica of San Marco, known for the great mosaics that depict the Old and New Testament of the Bible; the Bridge of Sigh, a bridge that will bring eternal love to those who drift below it. You will also have the chance to view the Doges’ Palace (Duke’s Palace), which served as the seat of the Government for the Republic of Venice for centuries. Return to Padua for dinner and overnight.

Day 18: Padua - Verona - Milan

After breakfast, depart towards Verona. Upon arrival tour this medieval old town built between the meandering Adige river. Its famous for being the setting of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet.” A 14th-century residence with a tiny balcony overlooking a courtyard is said be “Juliet’s House.” Walk on Piazza delle Erbe, the town’s forum in Roman times, which is home to a produce market and the Torre dei Lamberti bell tower, started in 1172. San Zeno Basilica has a fresco-filled interior and medieval bronze doors depicting biblical stories. Verona Cathedral, built mainly in the 12th-century, contains “The Assumption of the Virgin,” a 16th-century painting by Titian. Along the Adige River, the Museo di Castelvecchio, in a 14th-century fortified castle, houses paintings, sculptures and military weapons from the Middle Ages. The Ponte Pietra is a Roman-era stone bridge. After lunch we continue onto the city of Milan for dinner and a restful overnight.

Day 19: Milan - Pavia - Milan

Following breakfast, we will embark on a sightseeing journey with a local guide in Milan. We will pray for the intercession of St. Ambrose and St. Charles Borromeo as we visit the sites of their tombs (the Basilica of St. Ambrogio and the spectacular Milan Cathedral, respectively). The Milan Cathedral boasts being the largest cathedral in all of Italy. The duomo houses incredible relics, including a nail from the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. St. Helena originally sent it to her son Constantine, who had it made into a bridle for his horse. The nail came into St. Ambrose’s possession at the end of the fourth century, and is now raised and lowered on a unique platform to be venerated. After free time for lunch, we will venture to north of Pavia to admire the magnificent church and large monastery of Carthusian Certosa di Pavia. Pavia itself then awaits us to explore its famous covered bridge over Ticino river, the Towers of Pavia historical center, and one of the most famous churches built by a Lombard king in Pavia: San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro. The largest tomb of the three located in San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro contains the remains of St. Augustine of Hippo! We will have time to appreciate this site and venerate the remains of this great doctor of the Church. We will return to our hotel in Milan for dinner and an overnight stay.

Day 20: Milan - Mesero - Castelnuovo Don Bosco - Turin

This morning we will traverse the countryside around Milan to visit the shrine and tomb of St. Gianna Beretta Molla at Mesero. St. Gianna (1922-1962) lived a heroic yet simple life as a pediatrician, wife, and mother of four. She served the poor as well as her patients wholeheartedly, while attending to her children as if they were each Jesus as a child. When given the option to terminate her fourth pregnancy due to a severe complication, she opted for the surgery that would preserve the life of her daughter. St. Gianna ended up passing away a week after her cesarean section, and her daughter is still alive today. We will go to Magenta in Ponte Nuovo to see the house where Giannna was born, the Basilica di San Martino where she was baptized, and the chapel of Madonna del Buon Consiglio where she often prayed and where her children were baptized. There is free time for lunch before we move on to Castelnuovo Don Bosco, the birthplace of St. John Bosco. St. John Bosco (1815-1888), also known as Don Bosco, was a priest and educator of disadvantaged youth. He founded the Salesians in Turin under the patronage of St. Francis de Sales with the mission of educating children with love rather than punishment. One of his students was St. Dominic Savio, of whom St. John Bosco wrote the biography that helped get him canonized. After commemorating the beautiful lives of these two Italian saints, we will travel to Turin for dinner and our first overnight stay in the city of the shroud.

Day 21: Turin - Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Sanctuary of Maria Ausiliatrice, Corpus Domini

This morning we will wake up in the city of Turin, capital of the Piedmont region and home of the famous Shroud of Turin. This relic appears to bear the image of our crucified Lord. Years and years of research attest to its authenticity, and millions believe it to be the linen burial cloth on which Christ’s face was miraculously permanently imprinted. The shroud has a fascinating history and has sparked countless deep conversions throughout the world. Although the shroud is not on display, we will visit where it is kept: the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. Here we will venerate the buried body of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, which was found incorrupt when transferred to this cathedral in 1981. This young, fun-loving, athletic man died at the age of 24 leaving behind many people who loved him. He cared for the poor, hiked, laughed often, and prayed devoutly. Frassati was a strong catholic with a simple life for all of us to emulate. We will then move on to the Sanctuary of Maria Ausiliatrice, (the Basilica of Our Lady Help of Christians) completed in 1868. This church was originally part of a home for impoverished boys founded by Saint John Bosco. For this reason the saint is buried here along with the relics of St. Dominic Savio and other saints. Lastly we will visit the Corpus Domini Basilica, the site of the 15th century Eucharistic miracle. French soldiers looted the main church, and the montrance containing the Blessed Sacrament was put in a bag and loaded on a mule. The mule stumbled as they were leaving and the monstrance with our Lord rose above the surrounding houses, arousing wonder in all of the witnesses. The bishop, people, and clergy prayed “stay with us, Lord.” The montrance fell leaving the host free and shining, and the bishop lifted up a chalice into which the host came down and rested. A railing in the basilica sets off the place where this miraculous event took place in 1453. This afternoon you will have free time for some shopping before gathering at the hotel for dinner and an overnight stay.

Day 22: Turin - Oropa - Biella - Turin

Today we will journey to Oropa, one of the oldest Marian shrines in the world. The shrine was founded by St. Eusebius of Vercilli in the 4th century. According to local legend, the town was spared from the plague in the 17th century because of their dedication to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Every year the residents make a pilgrimage in thanks to our Lady. We will visit the Brown Madonna as well as the church where Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati prayed. We will also see the mountain he climbed, and take a cable car that goes halfway up the mountain to the lake (weather and time permitting). We will then return to Frassati’s birthplace, Turin, for a farewell dinner and our final overnight stay.

Day 23: Return Home

After an early breakfast, your group will leave by motor coach and transfer to the Turin airport for your return flights. You will arrive home with several countries and countless stories under your belt. Thank you for joining us for your multi-cultural pilgrimage experience!

*206 Tours Disclaimer:
Occasionally local religious and national holidays, weather, traffic conditions and other events may necessitate changes in the sequence of events or the missing of certain events/places. Though every effort will be made to follow the itinerary, it should be considered as an indication, rather than a contract of events and places to be visited.

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*If within 90 days prior to departure, Full Payment is due at time of Registration.

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About your trip

About Rome:

Rome has been one of history’s most powerful and important cities, along with home to the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope, and the site of the Vatican City. First built in 337, St. Peter’s Basilica lies over the tomb of St. Peter. Contained within is a vast array of the most beautiful artwork ever assembled, reflecting the immensity, beauty, vastness, majesty, glory and awesomeness of God.
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Special Clergy Discount

A Clergy Discount is available to all members of “Clergy” within the Catholic Church. This includes Seminarians, Deacons, Brothers and Sisters, Priests, Monsignors, Bishops, Cardinals, and His Holiness.

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For groups of 20 or more, you may choose your own departure and earn FREE trips.

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Let us know at the time of registration if you would like to arrive earlier, or stay later, than the scheduled tour dates, and pending availability, we will change your airline reservations accordingly, additional fees may apply. Pre- and/or post-stays at the hotel will cost an additional fee. These options should be available to you when registering online, or simply contact us:

About your trip

About Rome:

Rome has been one of history’s most powerful and important cities, along with home to the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope, and the site of the Vatican City. First built in 337, St. Peter’s Basilica lies over the tomb of St. Peter. Contained within is a vast array of the most beautiful artwork ever assembled, reflecting the immensity, beauty, vastness, majesty, glory and awesomeness of God.
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