A Pilgrimage is defined as, “a journey, especially a long one, made to some sacred place as an act of religious devotion; as to pay homage.” A Pilgrimage is not a time for rest, relaxation, or pampering like a vacation; it’s rather a time of deep reflection, contemplation, faith, and prayer. Since the central point of our faith is in the Incarnation, it is important to have a physical as well as a spiritual component to this journey. Pilgrimage makes prayer an experience of the whole person – body and soul.
Pilgrimage is a time to connect deeply with God and participate in the Sacraments in the very places where salvation history transpired and where God has touched the lives of sinners and transformed them into saints. Through prayer on Pilgrimage, you will feel a closeness to our Lord that will provide fruits for years to come; that you can use to continually draw strength from in your life. Pilgrimage can give you the grace to persevere.
Every 206 Tours Pilgrimage is accompanied by a Catholic Priest who provides spiritual direction, leads daily prayer & Rosary, celebrates Mass and offers the sacrament of Confession. All Pilgrims will receive a prayer book from 206 Tours which they can use to participate in group daily readings at sites on the itinerary, or even on the bus between stops. 206 Tours handles all the logistical coordination, so that your only responsibility is to enjoy, pray, and deepen your Faith.
Dear God,
We are Your pilgrims, and are on our way to You.
Anoint us to do Your will as we travel on this journey.
Help us give a hand of friendship and love to fellow pilgrims.
May the joy of your dwelling in us draw us closer to each other and to You.
Give us strength to persevere when we get too tired.
Give us understanding of different nationalities, cultures, wealth, poverty and mentalities.
Give us patience and grace to accept diversity in food, services and people that we encounter.
Remind us to offer gratitude, to our hosts, tour guides, hotel and airline personnel
Expand our vision to recognize Your plan.
Warm our hearts by the flame of Your love, so that we may share it with others too.
Open our lips so that we can speak Your Word and words of love.
Expand our arms so that we can embrace each other and all who need hugs
Speak to us so that we may discern the role that You have for us.
Send us breeze when it gets too hot, and sunshine when it’s raining hard.
Help us to love, pray, forgive, embrace, see and discover.
Help us to remember:
We responded to Your calling to make this journey,
we are Your pilgrims, going towards You and for You.
If we feel lonely, we will remember, that we are not alone,
as with each step we take You are right alongside of us.
And if at times, the road is too rocky,
if the weather gets too stormy,
if it gets dark,
if our hearts grow numb, heavy, empty, shivering, broken,
then, especially then, help us to remember how much You love us.
We promise to remember, that You hold our souls.
And always, God, help us to live according to your will.
We at 206 Tours promise to keep you in our prayers, please keep us and all of our pilgrims in yours. Please encourage others to be a pilgrim, regardless if pilgrimage is around the block or around the world.
God Bless!
206 Tours
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