The Way. The Truth. The Life.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Catholic Pilgrimages & Spiritual Journeys to the World’s Holiest Sites with 206 Tours.


Travel Tips


Packing Checklist

206 Tours is so excited to finally begin resuming pilgrimages to some countries after 14+ months with no travel. In case you’re getting ready for your first pilgrimage in a long time, here is...

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passport renewal

Passport Renewals

In April 2021 the US State Department advised that the turn-around time on Unites State Citizen Passport Renewals had slowed to 10 – 12 weeks. As of July 2021, some are seeing wait times of up...

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The Pilgrim's Journal Milanka Lachman Matthew Kelly

The Pilgrim’s Journal

206 Tours President & Founder, Milanka Lachman, teamed up with Matthew Kelly to create a fantastic new 206-page resource for Catholic Pilgrims – The Pilgrim’s Journal. This book provides an...

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The Pros of Catholic Group Travel

  With so many influential and important Catholic sites to see all over the world, it may be cumbersome to figure out how to visit them. A great way to visit these Shrines, Basilicas, and...

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Five Free Smartphone Apps for A Seamless Airport Experience

Many people look forward to traveling for months but dread the airport experience of long lines, confusing information, and large airports that may be hard to navigate. Here are five (5) Apps that...

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7 Ways to Prevent Jet Lag

Rapid travel through multiple time zones can take its toll on your physical and mental well-being. “Jet Lag” is the phrase used to describe the condition when your body’s internal...

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