The Way. The Truth. The Life.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Catholic Pilgrimages & Spiritual Journeys to the World’s Holiest Sites with 206 Tours.
Pilgrimages with Chris Stefanick
Chris Stefanick is a proud husband and father of six (6), who has dedicated his life to spreading the Catholic Faith, mostly amongst young people. Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap calls him, “one of the most engaging young defenders of the Christian faith on the scene today.”
A graduate of Franciscan University in Steubenville, he is respected in the American Catholic community serving as a consultant to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth. He is also currently the Director of Youth and Youth Adult Ministry for the Archdiocese of Denver, which serves more than half a million Catholics.
Chris has become a critically acclaimed author and speaker, with wildly successful television, radio, and YouTube programs. Chris speaks to over 90,000 people at seminars each year. Each month, his various TV and radio programs reach an audience of 1 million. He even authored a new Confirmation program that is being used by 100,000 teenagers per week.
He is the Founder and President of Denver based non-profit, Real Life Catholic, which is dedicated to reengaging a fading generation of Catholics. Through his organization’s research, they estimate that 80% of young Catholics stop practicing their faith before their 23rd birthday, which he says can be fixed through a program he calls the “College Connection.”
Real Life Catholic’s goal is to “ignite a bold, contagious faith in the heart of every Catholic by building a movement of Catholics who share the beauty, power and truth of the Gospel with a world that had largely forgotten.” It is clear from the number of book sales, conference attendees, and multimedia audience members that Chris has indeed built a movement and is engaging many Catholics on a regular basis.
Another way that Chris changes lives, and reignites faith, is through Pilgrimage. He says of his experience in the Holy Land;
“Going to the Holy Land changed the way I pray. Changed the way I share the faith. Changed my life. You can’t NOT be changed when you touch the rock Jesus was crucified on, enter the empty tomb, walk along the Sea of Galilee, and bow to enter the Bethlehem Basilica through the small ‘door of humility’.”
Chris often leads pilgrimages acting and has a few scheduled through 2022. To learn more about Pilgrimages with Real Life Catholic & Chris Stefanick, visit our website.
Chris Stefanick Pilgrimages 2021 & 2022
Medjugorje Designated as a Holy Site for the Jubilee Year
The Pilgrimage of Lent
Upon the Death of a Pope: Procedures and Traditions
The Second Shroud: Head Covering of Christ in Oviedo, Spain
Interview with Milanka Lachman: Fruits of Medjugorje
Turin’s Beloved Saint: Don Bosco
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206 Tours Pilgrims
What is a 206 Tours Pilgrimage Like?
“To go on pilgrimage really means to step out of ourselves in order to encounter God where he has revealed himself” – Pope Benedict XVI
Upon the Death of a Pope: Procedure...
Lost Luggage: What To Do If This Ha...
Bethlehem, Sea of Galilee & Je...
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