The Way. The Truth. The Life.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Catholic Pilgrimages & Spiritual Journeys to the World’s Holiest Sites with 206 Tours.
Novena in Medjugorje: A Virtual Pilgrimage
Here is our beloved guide Slavenka, inviting you to join us in this special Novena in Medjugorje: Virtual Pilgrimage!
June 24, 2020, marks the 39th Anniversary of the first Apparition of Our Lady of Medjugorje. Every year on the anniversary Pilgrims join the St. James’ Parish for a nine-day Novena for Peace, concluding with a Peace Parade.
Our guides report that there are little to no current cases of COVID-19 in Medjugorje. In an effort of caution, we postponed all our Pilgrimages until safe travel resumes. For the first time in our 35-year history, 206 Tours will not be sending any Pilgrims to Medjugorje for the Anniversary.
While we can’t be there physically, we’re excited that we can all be there virtually. From June 15 – 24th we will be posting a daily video from Medjugorje, praying the Novena with our Guides. Our wonderful guides will lead us to all our favorite places in Medjugorje like Cross Mountain, the Risen Christ Statue, Apparition Hill, and more! Each day, we will pray the Rosary together, and be united in our prayers to Our Lady, asking for Peace. Thanks be to God for technology and for our selfless guides, Slavenka, Ivanka, Ivan, Dragan, Franjo, Slavica, Niksha and Andrej, as well as Fr. Svet – and special thanks to our talented Videographer Jozo.
These videos will be available to watch here on our blog, on our Facebook page, and also on our YouTube Channel.
We ask that you send us your intentions so that our guides can carry them with this Holy journey. Email your intentions or Petitions to
DAY 1 | JUNE 15, 2020
Today begins our Novena for Peace & Virtual Pilgrimage! Watch as our guides climb Apparition Hill, and Ivanka leads us in a prayer for peace.
DAY 2 | JUNE 16, 2020
Today, our guide Niksha leads us in prayer for all the Souls in Purgatory from the Candle Place in Medjugorje.
DAY 3 | JUNE 17, 2020
Today, Franjo shares Our Lady’s message on the importance of reconciliation, from the “guvno”, the fields of Medjugorje.
DAY 4 | JUNE 18, 2020
Today’s special intention is for younger people and love. Andrej leads us in prayer from the Outside Altar.
DAY 5 | JUNE 19, 2020
From the Blue Cross, our guide Dragan leads us in prayer for Conversion on this 5th day of the Novena.
DAY 6 | JUNE 20, 2020
Today Slavenka brings us to Tihaljina, to the church of Immaculate Conception and leads us in prayer for the end of pandemic and for all those who asked us to pray for them.
DAY 7 | JUNE 21, 2020
Today, we are by the Risen Christ Statue where Slavica leads us in prayer for the gift of faith.
DAY 8 | JUNE 22, 2020
Today Ivan leads us in prayer for the sick, suffering, and for the protection of life. Watch as our guides pray from Cross Mountain, and feel as though you are alongside them.
DAY 9 | JUNE 23, 2020
On our final day of the Novena for Peace, Fr. Svet concludes our Novena with a reflection. Today we pray together for our Church, the Holy Father, and all Bishops and Priests.
DAY 10 | JUNE 24, 2020 – 39th Anniversary!
Today, June 24, 2020 marks the 39th Anniversary of the first apparitions of Our Lady of Medjugorje! After 9 days of our novena, our guides walk in the Peace March, a 10-mile walk to St. James Parish Church in Medjugorje, that begins at the shrine of St Anthony, in Humac. Our guides made the walk carrying thousands of intentions that were sent to us, to present the petitions our to visionary, Ivan Dragicevic. Ivan will present all your intentions to Our Lady of Medjugorje!
Thanks for watching & praying with us! God Bless!
Special thanks to our videographer, Digital Foto Video Studio ĐANI
What is Medjugorje?
If you are not familiar with Medjugorje, here is a brief introduction! Medjugorje is a small hillside village in Bosnia and Herzegovina where Our Lady appeared to six children for the first time on June 24, 1981. Many of the visionaries, now adults, are still witnesses Apparitions of Our Lady. Affectionately referred to as Our Lady Queen of Peace, her basic message is that God is present in the world, and prayer and repentance are needed to obtain peace.
206 Tours was founded because of Medjugorje. In the early 1980s, Milanka Lachman made her first Pilgrimage to Medjugorje, and her life was transformed. She was so inspired that she felt called to create a company as a Tour Operator to serve those seeking to find God on Catholic Pilgrimage in Medjugorje and in other Sacred places all over the world.
Medjugorje Designated as a Holy Site for the Jubilee Year
The Pilgrimage of Lent
Upon the Death of a Pope: Procedures and Traditions
The Second Shroud: Head Covering of Christ in Oviedo, Spain
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