The Way. The Truth. The Life.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Catholic Pilgrimages & Spiritual Journeys to the World’s Holiest Sites with 206 Tours.
Remembering 9/11, We Pray
We remember all the lives that were lost on September 11, 2001. In the days that followed, we came together as a nation, finding connection and unity in our grieving, our sadness, our hope, and our strength. As a country, and as brothers and sisters all over the world, we continue to mourn nineteen (19) years later, we pray for peace.
Let us pray for:
- All those who lost their lives that day are at home with Jesus.
- All the families who lost loved ones find healing and take comfort knowing our Lord’s promise of eternal life and everlasting joy.
- All the survivors and for all heroes who selflessly risked or gave their lives for us.
In remembrance, let us pray together for healing and peace;
“Father of all, God of all nations, we give you thanks for the mystery of infinite compassion and love expressed in the covenant of creation and renewed through the blood of the new and everlasting covenant shed by your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, for the salvation of all people.
With our brothers and sisters of other world faiths, we employ your mercy and pray for an end to violence.
May all people live together in peace and tranquility, recognizing your own divine image, giving you praise and glory here on earth and together forever in your kingdom as you live and reign Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.”
God Bless America!
The Pilgrimage of Lent
Upon the Death of a Pope: Procedures and Traditions
The Second Shroud: Head Covering of Christ in Oviedo, Spain
Interview with Milanka Lachman: Fruits of Medjugorje
Turin’s Beloved Saint: Don Bosco
A Thank You from 206 Tours President, Milanka Lachman
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206 Tours Pilgrims
What is a 206 Tours Pilgrimage Like?
“To go on pilgrimage really means to step out of ourselves in order to encounter God where he has revealed himself” – Pope Benedict XVI
Upon the Death of a Pope: Procedure...
Lost Luggage: What To Do If This Ha...
Bethlehem, Sea of Galilee & Je...
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