The Way. The Truth. The Life.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

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The Pilgrimage of Lent

Today we begin the liturgical season of Lent with Ash Wednesday. This season, entirely focused on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, is an opportunity for each of us to dive deeper into our relationship with God.

One of the most well-known practices during Lent, is that of “giving up” something. Whether it may be one of your favorite treats, a morning cup of coffee, or limiting screen time, each of us can make sacrifices that will draw us closer to God.

As you cut out these distractions, Lent becomes the perfect time to discern, “What is God asking of me?” It can be difficult to hear God’s voice when we are consumed by the noise and busyness of daily life. That is why Lent is a wonderful opportunity to quiet our souls and make more time for God so that He can speak to our hearts.

We see a perfect example of this in Scripture when Our Lord went into the wilderness to pray and fast for 40 days prior to beginning His public ministry. This reveals to us the importance of prayer and fasting and taking time to step away from our day-to-day lives as we prepare to carry out God’s mission.

In addition to giving up something, Lent is also a time to add in good and holy practices that bring us closer to God. A perfect example of this is traveling on a pilgrimage. Pilgrimages have always been viewed by the Church an opportunity for prayer and deeper communion with God. Over the centuries, pilgrimages have traditionally been carried out as a form of penance or in thanksgiving for prayers being answered. To this day, they continue to change lives as the faithful travel to the very places where God has revealed Himself through the Church and lives of His Saints. When you step away from your daily life and take the time to focus on God, He will use this opportunity to speak to your heart and reveal His love in a new way.

This Lent is particularly special because it is taking place during a Jubilee Year. The theme of the Jubilee is “Pilgrims of Hope”. Pope Francis stated, “Our life is a pilgrimage, a journey that pushes us beyond ourselves, a journey in search of happiness. The Christian life in particular is a pilgrimage towards God, our salvation and the fullness of every good thing” (Pope Francis, Message for XXXIX World Youth Day, Nov. 24, 2024). Lent is the perfect opportunity to remind ourselves that we are all pilgrims in this life, journeying towards Heaven.

As we begin this season of Lent, let us all take the time to quiet our hearts and ask God how He wants us to draw closer to Him. Whether that may be traveling many miles away on a pilgrimage with 206 Tours or simply spending time at your local Adoration Chapel, each of us is called to become a pilgrim of hope this Lenten season.

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