The Way. The Truth. The Life.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Catholic Pilgrimages & Spiritual Journeys to the World’s Holiest Sites with 206 Tours.
“The Voice of Mary” Sung by Lupita Aguilar
La Voce Di Maria, or “The Voice of Mary” is a new original Italian song by artists Roberta Torresi and Paolo Bisonni. Here, Mexican musician, Lupita Aguilar sings a beautiful rendition in Cancun, Mexico. This December, Pilgrims were unable to physically travel to Mexico City to venerate and celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Instead, watch this beautiful video and join us in prayer to Our Lady!
Medjugorje Designated as a Holy Site for the Jubilee Year
The Pilgrimage of Lent
Upon the Death of a Pope: Procedures and Traditions
The Second Shroud: Head Covering of Christ in Oviedo, Spain
Interview with Milanka Lachman: Fruits of Medjugorje
Turin’s Beloved Saint: Don Bosco
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206 Tours Pilgrims
What is a 206 Tours Pilgrimage Like?
“To go on pilgrimage really means to step out of ourselves in order to encounter God where he has revealed himself” – Pope Benedict XVI
Upon the Death of a Pope: Procedure...
Lost Luggage: What To Do If This Ha...
Bethlehem, Sea of Galilee & Je...
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