12 Days

Canonization Pilgrimage to Italy

In the Footsteps of

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati &
Blessed Carlo Acutis

Spiritual Director: Fr. Dennis Suglia

Spiritual Director: Fr. Charles Mangano

Spiritual Director: Fr. Anthony Stanganelli

July 26 – August 6, 2025

*Optional Post Tour to Assisi: August 6 – 8, 2025

Canonization Date is subject to change, and is pending official confirmation from the Vatican.
If the canonization date changes, we will offer you an option to transfer your deposit to the new dates or another 206 Tours Pilgrimage through January 2026.


Pilgrimage to Italy

In the Footsteps of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati & Blessed Carlo Acutis

Spiritual Director:

Fr. Dennis Suglia

Spiritual Director:

Fr. Charles Mangano

Spiritual Director:

Fr. Anthony Stanganelli

July 26 – August 6, 2025

*Optional Post Tour to Assisi:

Aug 6 – 8, 2025

Canonization Date is subject to change, and is pending official confirmation from the Vatican.
If the canonization date changes, we will offer you an option to transfer your deposit to the new dates or another 206 Tours Pilgrimage through January 2026.


Turin· Oropa · Pollone · Biella · Florence · Siena · Rome


Book your trip now

Turin· Oropa · Pollone · Biella · Florence · Siena · Rome

Fr. Dennis Suglia

Fr. Charles Mangano

Fr. Anthony Stanganelli

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Your trip includes

  • Round trip airfare from New York (JFK)
  • All airport taxes & fuel surcharges
  • Hotel accommodations: (or similar) in double occupancy
      ~ 4 nights: Jul 27 - 31: NH Torino Centro, Turin, Italy
      ~ 2 nights: Jul 31 - Aug 2: Ambasciatori Hotel Florence, Florence, Italy
      ~ 4 nights: Aug 2 - 6: Starhotels Michelangelo or Hotel dei Mellini, Rome, Italy
  • Post Tour hotel accommodations:
      ~ 2 nights: Aug 6 - 8: Dal Moro Gallery Hotel or BV Grand Hotel Assisi, Assisi, Italy
  • Breakfast and Dinner daily
  • Wine with dinners
  • Transportation by air-conditioned motor coach
  • Free WiFi & Water on bus
  • Assistance of local guide throughout
  • Whisper headsets
  • Transfers as per itinerary
  • Sightseeing and admissions fees as per itinerary
  • Mass daily & Spiritual activities
  • Luggage handling (1 piece per person)
Centrally located hotels or similar
NH Torino Centro
Turin, Italy
Ambasciatori Hotel Florence
Florence, Italy
Starhotels Michelangelo
Rome, Italy
Post Tour Hotels
Dal Moro Gallery Hotel
Assisi, Italy
Not Included
  • Lunches, Tips to your guide & driver.
Travel Protection

Providing you coverage for situations that may arise during your trip, including medical and dental emergencies, loss of luggage, trip delay, and so much more.

Cancel For Any Reason Waiver

A Cancellation Waiver – allowing you to cancel your trip and receive a refund anytime – up until 48 hours prior to departure.


Day 1 | Saturday, July 26: Depart for Italy

Make your way to your local airport, where you will board your overnight flight(s). Meals will be served on board.

Day 2 | Sunday, July 27: Arrive Milan or Turin Airport

Welcome to Italy and the beginning of what is to be the most memorable pilgrimage of your life. Upon arriving in Milan or Turin airport, make your way to the baggage claim area and collect your luggage. Proceed to the arrival hall, where you will be greeted by your guide and driver, who will transfer you to your hotel. Meet your fellow pilgrims, participate in the celebration of Holy Mass, enjoy a brief presentation on the life of Pier Giorgio Frassati and prepare to spend the next three days immersing in his world. Conclude with dinner and a restful overnight.

Day 3 | Monday, July 28: Turin

Begin the day with breakfast and then proceed to enjoy a day of exploration throughout the city of Turin, visiting some of the sites most significant in the life of Blessed Pier Giorgio. First, we will visit the parish church – Our Lady of Grace (nicknamed “La Crocetta”) – attended by the Frassati family. The chuch is located across the street from the home where Pier Giorgio died. Inside, a mosaic on the upper left side of the church features St. John Bosco and Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati – both Turin natives who became known for their service to the city’s poor. Downstairs, both a youth area and small chapel are named in his honor. On the front right wall, a bronze relief of Pier Giorgio marks the area where he often sat for Mass when he wasn’t serving on the altar. Next, we will stand in the same spot where Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati took his vows as a Dominican tertiary at the 13th century church San Domenico. From there, we will visit the Basilica of the Consolata – Pier Giorgio’s “headquarters” for his charitable missions. Meet me at six o’clock,” he would say, “under the Consolata clock.” This stunning Baroque basilica is a Marian sanctuary dedicated to Our Lady of Consolation. Be captivated by the opulent interior, a dazzling display of colored marble, biblical-looking columns, and a dome decorated by Giovanni Battista Crosato. Soon to be canonized Saint Giuseppe Allamano is buried here. After time for lunch, our tour will continue to the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist: the resting place of Blessed Frassati and the home of the world’s most famous relic, the Shroud of Turin. The Shroud is a piece of herringbone twilled linen cloth measuring 14.5 by 3.9 feet. It is believed to be that in which Christ’s body was wrapped after his crucifixion. The cloth still bears the faint imprint of Jesus, and the apparent signs of wound marks that correspond to those Christ sustained during crucifixion. It is expected that the Shroud will be on public display sometime during the 2025 Jubilee Year (pending confirmation). Following his beatification in 1990, the incorrupt mortal remains of Pier Giorgio Frassati were transferred from the family crypt in Pollone to their present location in the Cathedral. Here we will participate in the celebration of Holy Mass, & take time for prayer and reflection, asking for this holy man’s intercession throughout our pilgrimage. Conclude this memorable day with dinner and a restful overnight at your hotel.

Day 4 | Tuesday, July 29: Turin – Oropa – Biella/Turin

After breakfast, we will depart for the Sanctuary of Oropa where we will celebrate Mass at “the Shrine between earth and sky”, which is at the base of mountains and is one of the oldest Marian shrines in the world. The shrine was founded by St. Eusebius of Vercelli in the 4th century. According to local legend, the town was spared from the plague in the 17th century because of its dedication to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Every year the residents make a pilgrimage in thanks to Our Lady. We will see Pier Giorgio’s beloved Brown Madonna inside the “Old Church” where he visited her upon arriving and before departing from Pollone. Pope Saint John Paul II prayed the Sunday Angelus here in Oropa to coincide with his visit to the tomb of Pier Giorgio in 1989.Also located in Oropa is the “Sacro Monte”, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that contains 12 chapels with life-sized statues made of terracotta depicting scenes from the life of the Virgin Mary. After free time for lunch (shopping) in Oropa, (we will have time to hike, participate in a Eucharistic procession?) before boarding the bus for the ride back to Turin for dinner and overnight. If time, those who are interested can join a brief walking tour of some of the sites relevant to Blessed Frassati.

Day 5 | Wednesday, July 30: Turin - Pollone - Biella/Turin

After breakfast, we will visit the Sanctuary of Maria Ausiliatrice, the Basilica of Our Lady Help of Christians. Originally part of a home for poor boys founded by Saint John Bosco, the Basilica contains St. John Bosco’s remains along with the relics of other saints, including St. Dominic Savio. The Church was built after St. John Bosco had a vision of Our Lady in which she revealed to him the site of the martyrdom of the Turinese Saints Solutor, Adventor, and Octavius and requested that a Church be constructed there. The three martyrs were Roman soldiers who were killed for their faith in the early 4th century. After Mass and time for lunch (shopping at their nice gift shop), we will travel to Pollone, the village which is the location of the Frassati family’s summer home. Upon arrival in Pollone, we will have Mass (if not in the morning) at the parish church Saint Eusebio where Pier Giorgio often attended Mass. Next, we will enjoy a leisurely stroll through the village, arriving at the family home.

Built by Pier Giorgio’s maternal grandfather Francesco Ametis in 1875, the Villa Ametis was the site of many holidays and summer vacations. Luciana Frassati, Pier Giorgio’s sister, was born and died here (at the age of 105.) You will see two very special rooms: the room Pier Giorgio occupied during his lifetime and the room that now houses the bed where he died and other pieces of furniture from his room at the family home in Turin. Leave your prayer intentions here on his bed. As we continue our pilgrimage, we will walk down Pier Giorgio Frassati street to Senator Frassati street. At this intersection, you will see a statue of Mr. Frassati. We will walk on to the “Cangio Church” (Ss. Fabian and Sebastian), the church where the rite of Baptism was completed for Pier Giorgio five months after his birth. Our final stop in Pollone is the cemetery where Pier Giorgio was buried after his death in 1925 until his beatification in 1990. His sister Luciana, his parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles are all buried in the family crypt. Pope St. John Paul prayed in the crypt for more than 20 minutes when he visited in 1989. You can descend and pay your respects, as well. At the bottom of Pier Giorgio Frassati street, we will pass the Piacenza Cashmere Fabric Mill and Store. Founded in 1733, it is one of the oldest family-owned businesses in Europe. Continue to Turin for dinner and overnight.

Day 6 | Thursday, July 31: Biella/Turin - Florence

Following a delicious breakfast, we will journey through the beautiful Italian countryside as we make our way to Florence. This city is the land for art lovers and was home to some of the greatest artists of the Renaissance including Dante, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Botticelli, Donatello, and others. We will visit the magnificent Franciscan Church of the Holy Cross or Santa Croce where many nobles are buried including Michelangelo, Galileo,and Machiavelli. Return to the hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 7 | Friday, August 1: Florence

Enjoy breakfast and then depart for the Convent of San Marco, which was the home of the Dominican Friar Girolamo Savonarola. This holy man was a great preacher and reformer during the Renaissance in Florence, who stood against the corruption of his time until his martyrdom in 1498. Bl. Pier Giorgio was so inspired by this man’s heroic life that he chose the name “Girolamo” (Jerome) when he became a lay Dominican in 1922. Bl. Frassati once wrote to a friend, “I am a fervent admirer of this friar (Savonarola), who died as a Saint at the stake.” The Convent of San Marco itself is truly splendid and features the beautiful artwork of Fra Angelico, including his famous fresco of the Annunciation. We will then return to the heart of Florence for a walking tour through Piazza Signorina, Palazzo Vecchio, Uffizi, Ponte Vecchio, and Republic Square to the Santa Maria del Fiore. This Cathedral is an iconic piece of architecture of the city of Florence. It was designed by Filippo Brunelleschi in the 13th century. If time permits, we will also visit L’Accademia, the well-known art gallery. At this gallery, you will have the opportunity to view the work of artists such as Botticelli, Ghirlandaio, Pontormo, and the ever-famous sculpture by Michelangelo: David. Return to the hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 8 | Saturday, August 2: Florence – Siena – Rome

After breakfast we will head south to Siena, the birthplace of Saints Catherine (Doctor of the Church, and one of the two patron Saints of Italy, with St. Francis of Assisi) and Bernardine (known as the “Apostle of Italy” for his efforts to revive the Catholic faith in the 15th century). Siena is also one of Italy’s loveliest medieval cities. Here we will stroll the Piazza Del Campo, one of Italy’s finest squares and visit the Cathedral and the Basilica of St. Francis, containing the miraculous consecrated hosts that remained intact since 1730. Mass at San Domenico, and visit home of Saint Catherine. After Siena we are off to the beautiful city of Rome for dinner and overnight.

Day 9 | Sunday, August 3: Rome (Canonization of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati)

Witness history on the momentous day Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati is declared a Saint! Known for his joyful spirit, Frassati was called “the Man of the Eight Beatitudes” by Pope John Paul II. He had a great love for the Blessed Mother and the Holy Eucharist. An avid lover of the outdoors, his favorite pastime was mountain climbing. He greatly enjoyed the theater, opera, literature, and the arts. He was pure, happy, and enthusiastic about everything true, good, and beautiful. He was a true model for all Christian young men. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati died of polio, which he contracted from the poor and sick whom he visited in Turin’s slums. He was only 24. Despite his short life, he left a lasting impact by living his faith with passion and serving others with a generous heart. We will make our way today to St. Peters Square to secure our spot for the canonization ceremony. Witness the grandeur, music, and moving speeches as Bl. Frassati is elevated to Sainthood. Pending confirmation, we will meet with theother English-speaking devotees of Frassati to celebrate this historic event. This unforgettable day concludes with dinner and an overnight in Rome.

Day 10 | Monday, August 4: Rome Memorial Mass - St. Peter's Basilica - Vatican Museum - Santo Spirito in Sassia - Appian Way - Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls - Catacombs

This morning, we will make our way back to St. Peters for the Memorial Mass. After, we will tour St. Peter’s Basilica, built on the site where St. Peter the Apostle was martyred. Here, you will have the opportunity to view Michelangelo’s Pieta sculpture and pray at the tombs of Pope Benedict XVI and St. John Paul II. Visit the Church of the Holy Spirit in Sassia, which St. John Paul II designated as the Divine Mercy Spirituality Center in 1994. The Church is cared for by the sisters from the Congregation of Our Lady of Mercy. After lunch, continue down the Appian Way, one of the earliest roads built in ancient Rome to the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls and the Catacombs. Dinner and overnight in Rome.

Day 11 | Tuesday, August 5: Rome Basilica of St. John the Lateran - Holy Stairs - Santa Croce - Basilica of St. Mary Major

Today we start with a visit the one of the oldest and major Basilicas in Rome, the Basilica of St. John the Lateran. This Basilica is where Pope Francis was installed as Bishop of Rome and is home to the relics of Saints Peter and Paul. Next, you will cross the street to visit the Holy Stairs. These Holy Stairs are believed to be the very steps leading up to the praetorium of Pontius Pilate in Jerusalem on which Jesus stepped on his way to trial during his Passion. The Stairs were brought to Rome by Saint Helena in the fourth century. Ascend these stairs on your knees, in memory of Christ’s agonizing Passion. Visit the Basilica of Santa Croce, one of the Seven Pilgrim Churches which is believed to hold relics of the True Cross. We conclude our day with a Mass at the Basilica of St. Mary Major. This Church, dedicated to Our Blessed Mother, is the only Basilica that has kept its original structure and is an authentic jewel in the crown of Roman Churches. This Basilica contains a relic from the Manger of the Infant Jesus. Enjoy dinner at the hotel and a restful overnight.

Day 12 | Wednesday, August 6: Return from Rome to the USA

After an early breakfast and heartfelt farewells, transfer to Rome airport for return flights home.

*206 Tours Disclaimer:
Occasionally local religious and national holidays, weather, traffic conditions and other events may necessitate changes in the sequence of events or the missing of certain events/places. Though every effort will be made to follow the itinerary, it should be considered as an indication, rather than a contract of events and places to be visited.

Post Tour to Assisi

August 6 – 8, 2025
  • Post Tour hotel accommodations:
      ~ 2 nights: Aug 6 - 8: Dal Moro Gallery Hotel or BV Grand Hotel Assisi, Assisi, Italy
  • Breakfast and Dinner daily
  • Wine with dinners
  • Transportation by air-conditioned motor coach
  • Assistance of local guide throughout
  • Whisper headsets
  • Transfers as per itinerary
  • Sightseeing and admissions fees as per itinerary
  • Mass daily & Spiritual activities
  • Luggage handling (1 piece per person)

Anticipated Daily Itinerary:
Day 1 | Wednesday, August 6: Rome - Orvieto - Assisi

Following breakfast, transfer from Rome to Assisi. the hometown of St. Francis. Throughout this bus ride, your tour escort will share very interesting information regarding the spiritual, historical, and cultural aspects of Italy. On the way to Assisi we will make a stop in Orvieto, where a Eucharistic Miracle is preserved in the Cathedral of Orvieto. In 1263, a Priest stopped to celebrate Mass at Saint Christina’s Church in Bolsena. Having doubts that the Eucharist was really the Body and Blood of Christ, the Priest was shocked when the host began to bleed right after the prayer of consecration. Unable to hide this fact, he interrupted the Mass and went to Orvieto where Pope Urban IV was in residence. The Pope ordered that the miraculous host and then linen altar cloth stained with blood be brought to Orvieto and placed on display, where is still rests today. The Cathedral also has some of the most magnificent frescoes to be found anywhere. The depicting visions of heaven and hell in the San Brizio Chapel rival those of the Sistine Chapel. We will continue on to Assisi where upon arriving you will check-in to your hotel, and relax or explore before enjoying dinner. Retire to your room for a restful night’s sleep.

Day 2 | Thursday, August 7: Assisi (St. Francis)

As you visit the birthplace of St. Francis, you will become captivated as the atmosphere has not changed since St. Francis began his ministry, in the early 13th-century. You will start your tour at the St. Francis Basilica, visit his tomb of St. Francis, and have the opportunity to view a series of frescoes depicting his life, along with a few of the saint’s possessions. Followed by a visit to the Santuario Della Spogliazione where Blessed Carlo Acutis’ tomb is placed. Carlo is the first millennial to be declared Blessed who loved the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. From there, you will continue on a walking tour through this picturesque town, including the birthplace of St. Francis, and end with a tour of the Church that honors St. Clare, the foundress of the Poor Clare Sisters. This Saint followed the teachings of St. Francis very closely by also living a life of poverty and humility. Enjoy some free time on your own – you may take this time for additional prayer, shop in the many gift shops or enjoy a nice lunch. After lunch, you will board the bus, which will take you outside of the walls of Assisi, to the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels. This is where St. Francis spent most of life. This Basilica is made up of two structures, both of which you will visit. The first structure, is the “Porziuncola”, which is where St. Francis founded his order of the Friar Minor (Franciscans). The second, is the “Capella del Transito”, which is the place of St. Francis’ death. During your time here, you will have the opportunity to visit the beautiful Rose Garden where St. Francis and other friars lived, as well as the cave where the Saint retired to pray. Return to the hotel for dinner and an overnight.

Day 3 | Friday, August 8: Assisi – Rome Airport

After an early breakfast and heartfelt farewells, your group will leave by motor coach and transfer to the Rome Fiumicino airport for return flights home.

Why Book “With Airfare” from 206 Tours

Would you like to arrive earlier or stay later?

Let us know at the time of registration if you would like to arrive earlier, or stay later, than the scheduled tour dates, and pending availability, we will change your airline reservations accordingly, additional fees may apply. Pre- and/or post-stays at the hotel will cost an additional fee. These options should be available to you when registering online, or simply contact us: sales@206tours.com

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$800.00 Deposit is due at the time of Registration

*If within 90 days prior to departure, Full Payment is due at time of Registration.

About your trip

About Rome:

Rome has been one of history’s most powerful and important cities, along with home to the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope, and the site of the Vatican City. First built in 337, St. Peter’s Basilica lies over the tomb of St. Peter. Contained within is a vast array of the most beautiful artwork ever assembled, reflecting the immensity, beauty, vastness, majesty, glory and awesomeness of God.
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About your trip

About Rome:

Rome has been one of history’s most powerful and important cities, along with home to the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope, and the site of the Vatican City. First built in 337, St. Peter’s Basilica lies over the tomb of St. Peter. Contained within is a vast array of the most beautiful artwork ever assembled, reflecting the immensity, beauty, vastness, majesty, glory and awesomeness of God.
Terms & Conditions

Pilgriamge Information
know before you go to Italy

We promise to do all within our power to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. Please feel free to contact us, please note should any problems arise during your trip you should first contact your local emergency contact in your destination country or the 206 Tours.

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1-800-206-Tour (8687)   |   sales@206tours.com

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