Medjugorje Plenary Indulgence

On February 20, 2025, the Vatican issued a decree that the Parish Church of St. James in Medjugorje has been designated as a holy site for this Jubilee Year. This means that pilgrims who travel to Medjugorje and devoutly participate in the Jubilee rites and / or pious prayers under the usual conditions defined below will be able to receive a plenary indulgence. This decree is valid until the close of the Jubilee Year on Jan. 6, 2026.

The Jubilee Year is a time of great graces for the Church. One of its most well-known traditions is that of the Holy Doors. While the most famous holy doors are located in the four major basilicas in Rome, the Church also designates a number of other holy sites around the world where pilgrims can receive the graces of the Jubilee, including St. James Church in Medjugorje.

In 1981, Our Lady allegedly appeared for the first time in Medjugorje to six young men and women. The site was Mount Podbrdo, now known as Apparition Hill. Since that time, Our Lady has continued to appear and give messages of hope and a call for conversion to bring peace to the world. Over 40 million people have journeyed to Medjugorje to experience what many refer to as “Heaven on Earth”. Medjugorje is has been the site of countless life-changing conversions and deepening of faith.

The current Church of St. James in Medjugorje was built in 1969, several years before the first alleged apparition of Our Lady. At the time of construction, the townspeople were inspired to build a Church that was much larger than what they needed at the time. The Holy Spirit knew that millions would one day flock to Medjugorje. Another providential decision is the Church was named after St. James the Apostle – the patron Saint of pilgrims.

By visiting the Church of St. James, pilgrims have an opportunity to obtain a plenary indulgence for themselves and / or deceased loved ones. An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain prescribed conditions through the action of the Church which, as the minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfactions of Christ and the saints (can.992). A Plenary Indulgence can be earned once a day for oneself, and two additional times that day for others.

In order to obtain a Plenary Indulgence, the faithful must, in addition to being in a state of grace:

  • Have the interior disposition of complete detachment from sin, even venial sin;
  • Have sacramentally confessed their sins;
  • Receive the Holy Eucharist (it is certainly better to receive it while participating in Holy Mass, but for the indulgence only Holy Communion is required);
  • Pray for the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff.

The tradition of Holy Doors typically only take place every 25 years during the time of Jubilee, so this is a very special opportunity. A pilgrimage to Medjugorje will allow pilgrims to partake in the graces of the Jubilee while enjoy the peace and abundant graces this small town offers.