Pictured above: The Second Shroud, the head covering of Christ (the Sudarium) on display in Oviedo, Spain.

Many expected that at some point during 2025, the Shroud of Turin would be on public display. Unfortunately, while it was widely anticipated that the Shroud would be on display during the Jubilee Year, the Archdiocese of Turin has announced that this year there will only be a virtual / digital display. 

While we know that this news may be disappointing, we wanted to share a special opportunity with you. This September, at the Cathedral in Oviedo, Spain, there will be an opportunity to view the Second Holy Shroud, called the “Sudarium”. This relic is believed to be the cloth that was wrapped around the head of Our Lord during His burial. The head cloth will be on display for a limited time, making this Pilgrimage a unique opportunity for veneration. In addition to Oviedo, this Pilgrimage will also be visiting Fatima, Northern Spain, and Lourdes.

Book Now: www.206tours.com/sudarium

The Head Cloth of Christ (Sudarium) has been a cherished relic of the Church for centuries. The cloth is housed in the beautiful Cathedral of Oviedo. The word “Sudarium” is Latin for “sweat cloth”. It was customary at the time of Christ for a burial cloth to cover the head of the deceased person.

By joining this Pilgrimage, you’ll be able to see one of the most important relics of Christ’s passion. The Cathedral of Oviedo is also one of the most magnificent Churches in Spain and it is filled with Catholic treasures.

Documentation of the head cloth can be found in John 20:6-7 which states, “Then Simon Peter came, following him, and went into the tomb; he saw the linen cloths lying, and the napkin, which had been on his head, not lying with the linen clothes but rolled up in a place by itself.” This passage clearly distinguishes the Shroud from the cloth which covered Our Lord’s head.

Of course, if you’re still interested in going to Turin, we have many pilgrimages that will be visiting this beautiful city during the Jubilee Year including this 11-day Pilgrimage to Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Northern Italy.

While visiting Turin, you will be able to visit the tombs of Blessed (soon-to-be Saint) Pier Giorgio Frassati, St. John Bosco, St. Dominic Savio, and more. Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati will be canonized during this Jubilee Year on August 3, 2025.

Pilgrimage to Fatima & Northern Spain with the Second Shroud (Sudarium of Oviedo) & Lourdes: www.206tours.com/sudarium

Pilgrimage to Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Northern Italy (Turin): www.206tours.com/tour216

View our Pilgrimage Directory: www.206tours.com/pilgrimages