About the Six Medjugorje Visionaries
Quick Facts:
* There are six Visionaries who allegedly had apparitions of Our Lady. Three of them continue to have daily apparitions, while the other three have them on special occasions.
Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic
Vicka is the oldest of the six visionaries and was born on September 3, 1964, in Bijakovici. She is one of eight children. Currently, she is married to her husband, Mario, and they have two children, Sophia Maria and Anton. Their family lives in the small village of Gradac, a few kilometers north of Medjugorje. Our Lady has allegedly appeared to Vicka for the first time on June 24, 1981, and continues to allegedly appear to her daily. So far, Vicka has received nine of the ten secrets from Our Lady. Additionally, she has been given the mission to pray for the ill.
Before, I prayed from pure habit. Now I’ve turned completely to prayer. I commit my life completely to God. I feel sorry for those who do not believe in God, because Our Lady wants no one to be lost.
Ivan Dragicevic
Ivan is the older of the two boys, who allegedly see Our Lady. He was born on May 25, 1965 in Bijakovici. Our Lady has allegedly appeared to him every day since June 24, 1981. Our Lady has confided nine out of the ten secrets to Ivan, as well as given him his prayer mission; to pray for priests, families, and the youth of the world. Currently, Ivan his married to his wife, Laureen, and they have four children. Ivan resides in both, the village of Medjugorje and the US, equally separating his time at each residence.
The apparitions made a big difference in my life – the difference between heaven and earth. For example, I arrange my day now so that even during the day I find time to pray. Before, my life had no meaning. Now, I’m filled with inner contentment. The first time I saw Our Lady, a change occurred in my soul, and in my heart. Before, I often avoided prayer, but now the difference is so great, I really can’t describe it. I’m confident and not afraid, because I know who leads me, and therefore, I’m not afraid of death. People in our parish, and all people, should feel that way.
*Exclusive Pilgrimages with accommodation at the Dragicevic Family House
* Ivan’s alleged apparitions take place in his Chapel, and you can witness them when you stay with Ivan www.206tours.com/medj
Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo
Mirjana was born on March 18, 1965 in Sarajevo. Very intelligent, Mirjana graduated from the University of Sarajevo. Although her family lived in Sarajevo, she spent the summers with her grandmother who lived in Bijakovici (the site of the alleged apparitions). Mirjana was the second oldest of the children to allegedly see the Blessed Mother on June 24, 1981, and Our Lady has given her the prayer mission to pray for the unbelievers. She allegedly had daily apparitions from June 24, 1981 until December 25, 1982. At the time of her final alleged apparition, Mirjana received her tenth and final secret from Our Lady. She was the first seer to receive all ten secrets, and since then, Our Lady continues to appear to Mirjana on the 2nd of every month. According to Mirjana, Our Lady defines “unbelievers” as those who have not yet felt God’s love. Furthermore, Mirjana tells the world that if the tears of Our Lady’s eyes that she has for the unbelievers were seen, all people would begin intensely praying for this intention. Currently, Mirjana lives in Medjugorje with her husband, Marko Soldo, and their two daughters.
I didn’t know Marian apparitions existed, I never heard about Lourdes or Fatima. The first day Ivanka had the vision of Our Lady, she was full of enthusiasm and wanted me to look too. I thought: “This can’t be real! But, Our Lady gave us strength to accept Her as a Mother. I’ve changed a lot. I realize how empty my heart was. Now, I truly feel God, the Mother of God, and the faith. My relationship with Our Lady has become one of a mother and daughter. Jesus is like a friend, or an older brother. Whoever believes in God, and opens himself up to God, needn’t be afraid. God will be with him in the future too. If everyone believed in God, there’d be no war.
Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez
Ivanka was born on July 21, 1966 in Bijakovici. Ivanka has one brother and one sister. Her mother, Jagoda died on May 1981. Ivanka was the first of the six children to allegedly see Our Lady on June 24, 1981. When the alleged apparitions first began, Ivanka asked the Blessed Mother about her deceased mother. Our Lady informed her that her mother was with her in Heaven. Since then, God has allowed Ivanka to see, and speak, to her mother, who is in heaven, five times through the years. Ivanka’s prayer mission from Our Lady is to pray for families. Allegedly, she had daily apparitions from June 24, 1981 until May 7, 1985. On the final apparition, Ivanka received the tenth secret, and was informed that she will continue to have an apparition each year on June 25th, the anniversary of the alleged apparitions. Currently, Ivanka is living near the parish of Medjugorje with her husband and three children.
When the apparitions began, I was only a child. I prayed and went to church when my parents asked me to. Now when I pray, I feel united with God and Our Lady. Before, when I went to Mass, I didn’t feel anything special. Now, I know God is alive at the Holy Mass, and gives Himself completely to us in the Host. Concerning my own future, I leave it completely to God – my path will go in the direction God leads me. I have some advice for young people: I want to tell them to turn to God as soon as possible because He’s the only one who can lead them to happiness and truth. We simply must pray more and live the messages of Medjugorje.
Jakov Colo
Jakov was born on March 6, 1971 in Bijakovici. As the youngest seer, he was only ten years old when the alleged apparitions began. Jakovs’ mother, Jaca died on September 5, 1983. This tragic death affected Jakov very deeply since he was without a mother, and rarely saw his father, who worked in Germany. As a result, Our Lady took on the role of spiritual and earthly mother for Jakov. Currently, Jakov lives near the parish of Medjugorje with his wife and three children.
He has had alleged daily apparitions since June 25, 1981. His prayer mission, given by Our Lady, is to pray for the ill. On September 12, 1998, Jakov received the tenth secret from Our Lady. Most presently, Our Lady allegedly appears to Jakov once per year, on Christmas Day. Upon receiving the news of yearly apparitions, it was very difficult for Jakov to accept that he would no longer see Our Lady every day. He wondered how he would continue, and struggled for months. However he has come to realize, through prayer, that he is like all of us who do not see Our Lady. He tells the world that Our Lady is always with us and that we can experience her in our hearts.
From the time Our Lady first appeared to me, my life has entirely changed. Now, I pray more and go to Mass every evening. I try, more and more, to fulfill the messages that Our Lady gives us. I feel I’m closer to God now. I believe we have to pray that God’s plans will be realized. I now want to live as a Christian. I begin the day with prayer, then go to school. When I get home, I help wherever necessary. To me, the Mass means an encounter with the living God. Our Lady always tells us to pray more.
Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti
Marija is the third oldest of the visionaries. She was born on April 1, 1965 in Bijakovici. She has three brothers and two sisters. Her prayer mission, given by Our Lady, is to pray for all the souls in purgatory. When the alleged apparitions began, she was studying in Mostar. However, while in Medjugorje, Our Lady allegedly appeared Marija for the first time on June 25, 1981. Allegedly, she still has apparitions every day. Also, on the 25th day of each month, Our Lady gives Marija the public message that is intended for the world. Our Lady has allegedly confided nine out of the ten secrets to her. Presently, Marija is living in Italy with her husband and four children. She visits Medjugorje multiple times each year.
Everything has changed in Medjugorje. People started to pray and listen to Our Lady’s messages. Before, I didn’t pray enough. Now I want to pray more and more. I’m sure God gives much to everyone who’s open to prayer. I tell people they should pray more, and Our Lady will give them peace in all that burdens them. It’s not I, it’s Our Lady who urges us to nurture prayer, to propagate peace, and to fast. She says that everyone who comes to Medjugorje, must be converted. They must encourage other people too, to pray and fast. God wishes us to pray and fast. God wishes to develop the parish and make it grow more and more in faith. If people accept the messages, God will lead them.
10-Secrets from Our Lady:
Our Lady of Medjugorje has allegedly told the six visionaries that she would give ten secrets to them. The Ten Secrets are discussed often, but very little is known about them. The visionaries are able to share only a small amount of information about the secrets; the rest, they say is secret. We have researched and put together as much information as possible at this time about the secrets. This information serves to provide greater understanding of the secrets and the part they have in Our Lady’s plans to correct man’s conscience and save the world.