About the Six Medjugorje Visionaries

Quick Facts:

* There are six Visionaries who allegedly had apparitions of Our Lady. Three of them continue to have daily apparitions, while the other three have them on special occasions.

* Ivan’s alleged apparitions take place in his Chapel, and you can witness them when you stay with Ivan www.206tours.com/medj

10-Secrets from Our Lady:

Our Lady of Medjugorje has allegedly told the six visionaries that she would give ten secrets to them. The Ten Secrets are discussed often, but very little is known about them. The visionaries are able to share only a small amount of information about the secrets; the rest, they say is secret. We have researched and put together as much information as possible at this time about the secrets. This information serves to provide greater understanding of the secrets and the part they have in Our Lady’s plans to correct man’s conscience and save the world.

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