Special Wedding Arrangements

Dear Newlyweds and Soon-to-be-Married Couples
Have you given any thought beyond your Wedding Day? How you could commemorate your union in such a sacred way
that you will talk about for Anniversaries to come? There are “Special” arrangements available to you that only the
Catholic Church can offer – and we can help arrange them for you!
Receive a Papal Blessing from the Holy Father in Rome:
During the General Audiences in Vatican City, you will be treated like First-Class Passengers. Not only do you get to stand in the front row (or to the side) of the Holy Father, but he normally stops to greet all of the new couples at the end!
Past couples have said the following:
"We were very close to him, more than we expected. He gave us his blessing..it was very exciting."
"He greeted all the newly married couples and when he was in front of us, he said: God bless you!"
What is required of you:
- To qualify as a newlywed couple (Sposi Novelli), you must be married within two (2) months of the Audience.
- You must carry with you a copy of the Sacramental Marriage Certificate signed by your Priest.
- Grooms must wear their Tuxedos, and Bride's must wear their Wedding Dress.
Hold your Wedding Ceremony in the “Cana – Wedding Church” in the Holy Land:
With your Spiritual Director presiding, this is your chance to be married in the Church famous for where Jesus and his Disciples arrived at a Wedding Feast, and where He performed His first “Miracle” – changing water into wine. It is this visit, His divine intervention, is what is viewed as His seal on the sanctity of marriage.
What is required of you:
- You must contact 206 Tours a minimum of six (6) months prior to departure of your Pilgrimage
- Completion of Pre-Cana Course with the Priest who will witness the Wedding – and Copy of Certificate
- Provide 206 Tours with the following Documents:
Sacramental Certificates
Baptismal Certificates
Letter from local Bishop permitting a wedding in another Church
Sworn Affidavit with Public Notary from non-Catholic party that they have not been married before
Canonical Dispensations
Marriage License
*The Orders are very strict about paperwork, and will not be processed if incomplete or inadequate. In an effort to make sure everything goes smoothly for you, it is essential all the paperwork is complete.
Renewal of your Wedding Vows in the “Cana – Wedding Church” in the Holy Land:
This “Ceremony” is included in all of our pilgrimages to the Holy Land. A visit to Cana (and the Wedding Church) takes place on “Day 3” of your itinerary. All married couples will have the opportunity to walk down the aisle, stand at the altar, and your Spiritual Director will renew your Wedding Vows in this Holy site.
*This is a “Ceremony” and not a “Mass”. Depending on Group Size, the average Ceremony takes 15-20 minutes.
Whether you want to go to Italy, the Holy Land, or Both - Contact Us via email or call 1-800-206-Tour (8687) and we will walk you through the steps and answer any questions you may have.
For a list of our Pilgrimages to Italy, please click here
For a list of our Pilgrimages to Italy, please click here