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Tour NumberTour NameNumber of
11France: In the Footsteps of St. Joan of Arc13 days
43Fatima, Spain, Lourdes, Paris, The Shrines of Italy & Medjugorje26 days
48Fatima, Lourdes & Northern Spain14 days
55Marian Shrines in Portugal, Spain & France17 days
60Madrid, Santiago de Compostela, Fatima & Lourdes14 days
66Shrines of Spain, Fatima, Lourdes & Paris 21 days
90Malta6 days
94Malta & The Shrines of Italy14 days
95Malta & Rome9 days
97Rome5 days
100Faith & Food Pilgrimage to Italy11 days
101Malta & Classic Italy18 days
103All Italian Shrines14 days
115The Holy Land & Paris14 days
109Walk The Jesus trail in the Holy Land 12 days
117The Holy Land and Jordan Revisited 12 days
123The Holy Land, Fatima, Spain, Lourdes, Paris & Rome25 days
159 Jordan, The Holy Land & Medjugorje17 days
160The Best of Greece 11 days
163Greece & The Holy Land19 days
165Biblical Turkey12 days
175Krakow, Prague & Salzburg10 days
176Krakow, Prague & Austria12 days
200The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany & Switzerland12 days
206Mexico - Our Lady of Guadalupe6 days
210The Carmelite Experience in Spain13 days
225Walking the Way of St. Francis in Italy13 days
98-ARome & Sorrento7 days
176-AKrakow, Prague, Austria & Medjugorje16 days
8-AParis & Lisieux6 days
175-AKrakow, Prague, Salzburg & Medjugorje14 days
196Medjugorje, Shrines of Croatia, Slovenia13 days
65The Shrines of Spain, Fatima & Lourdes 17 days
40-IFatima, Spain, Lourdes, Paris & All Italian Shrines26 days
37-IFatima, Spain, Lourdes & All Italian Shrines22 days
EZ052614Fr. Greg J. Markey Pilgrimage to Mexico6 days
66-RShrines of Spain, Fatima, Lourdes, Paris & Rome24 days
66-IShrines of Spain, Fatima, Lourdes, Paris & Shrines of Italy29 days
9-AParis & Lisieux8 days
114-JJordan, The Holy Land, & Rome16 days
118-JJordan, The Holy Land & The Shrines of Italy21 days
119-JJordan, The Holy Land & All Italian Shrines25 days
115-AThe Holy Land, Rome & Sorrento15 days
167Greece, Holy Land & All Italian Shrines31 days
99Rome, Sorrento & Assisi 10 days
39Fatima, Spain, Lourdes, Paris, Lisieux & Medjugorje18 days
211Return to the Holy Land11 days
164Greece, The Holy Land & Rome22 days
166Greece, Holy Land & The Shrines of Italy 27 days
212Canada - Montreal & Quebec7 days
14-ILourdes, Paris, Lisieux & All Italian Shrines21 days
126The Holy Land, Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Rome21 days
127The Holy Land, Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & The Shrines of Italy26 days
128The Holy Land, Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & All Italian Shrines30 days
161-MGreece in the Footsteps of St. Paul, Fatima, Spain & Lourdes19 days
168-RPoland & Rome12 days
168-SPoland & The Shrines of Italy17 days
168-IPoland & All Italian Shrines21 days
164-MGreece, Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Rome22 days
215Scotland6 days
173-RKrakow & Rome 9 days
173-IKrakow & All Italian Shrines18 days
166-MGreece, Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Shrines of Italy27 days
125The Holy Land, Fatima, Spain, Lourdes, Paris & All Italian Shrines34 days
124The Holy Land, Fatima, Spain, Lourdes, Paris & Shrines of Italy30 days
217Scotland & Ireland14 days
161-PGreece, Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Paris 23 days
173-SKrakow & The Shrines of Italy14 days
220Catholic Pilgrimage to England In The Company of Mary, Missionaries, Monks, Martyrs, Scholars & Converts11 days
221England9 days
69Garabandal, Santiago de Compostela & Fatima9 days
166-IGreece, Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & All Italian Shrines31 days
66-APilgrimage to The Shrines of Spain, Fatima, Lourdes, Paris, & All Italian Shrines 33 days
65-RShrines of Spain, Fatima, Lourdes & Rome 20 days
65-IShrines of Spain, Fatima, Lourdes, & The Shrines of Italy 25 days
65-AShrines of Spain, Fatima, Lourdes & All Italian Shrines 29 days
999Mexico Ronen Test6 days
FRXYZFr. XYZ Pilgrimage to the Shrines of Italy9 days
67-PGarabandal, Santiago de Compostela, Fatima, Spain, Lisieux & Paris18 days
168-CPoland & Classic Italy21 days
173-CKrakow & Classic Italy 18 days
36-MFatima Mini-Stay5 days
70-FThe Way of St. James - El Camino & Fatima14 days
25-CLisieux, Paris & Classic Italy18 days
40-CFatima, Spain, Lourdes, Paris & Classic Italy26 days
201France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany & Switzerland16 days
214Canada, Our Lady of Guadalupe & Cancun15 days
199-PFrance, The Netherlands & Belgium10 days
199Lourdes, Paris, Amsterdam & Brussels13 days
199-AFrance, Netherlands, Belgium & Germany12 days
81The Shrines of Spain and Italy17 days
82The Shrines of Spain and All Italian Shrines21 days
Gift CertGift Certificate towards travel days
6The Shrines of Southern France11 days
34Fatima & Lourdes10 days
115-JJordan, The Holy Land & Paris17 days
60-PMadrid, Santiago de Compostela, Fatima, Lourdes, Lisieux & Paris18 days
104Rome, San Giovanni Rotondo, Assisi, & Florence12 days
34-AFatima, Lourdes and Medjugorje14 days
219London, Scotland & Ireland16 days
209Guadalupe and Cristero Saints of Mexico8 days
70-APart 1: St. Jean Pied de Port – Santo Domingo de la Calzada13 days
70-BPart 2: Santo Domingo de la Calzada – Leon14 days
70-CPart 3: Leon – Sarria13 days
111-LUXThe Holy Land in Luxury Accommodation10 days
70-DPart 4: El Camino - The Way of St. James - Spain (A Walking Pilgrimage)11 days
161-SGreece & the Shrines of Italy20 days
230Cruise the Danube - from Passau to Budapest - C Cabin 10 days
HZ102220 days
VD071220Fr Vincent Druding: Pilgrimage to the Holy Land10 days
100158JLMedjugorje with Julie Livingstone9 days
50-IFatima, Spain, Lourdes and Classic Italy22 days
156-JEgypt and Jordan12 days
100158MDMedjugorje with Fr. Michael Della Penna with accommodations at Ivan Dragicevic's9 days
110Explore the Holy Land - From Jerusalem10 days
150The Best of Jordan & the Holy Land17 days
SF1005Lithuania & Poland - Feast of St. Faustina11 days
DM042025Lithuania & Poland - 20th Anniversary of Divine Mercy Sunday11 days
78Camino: the Portuguese route11 days
240The Best of Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway and Sweden)15 days
241Denmark & Norway10 days
235Best of Bulgaria and Romania12 days
AP041623Italy with Archdiocese of Philadelphia and Archbishop Perez11 days
100158JPMedjugorje with Fr. Joseph Pilola - accommodations at Ivan Dragicevic's9 days
RONEN21test1 days
MS051623California Pilgrimage with Alumnae Association College of Saint Teresa8 days
FTC CreditFuture Travel Credit days
DCIPMARIANDynamic Catholic Marian Shrines Pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France10 days
DCIPMEDJDynamic Catholic Pilgrimage to Medjugorje9 days
DCIPCAMINODynamic Catholic Pilgrimage to El Camino11 days
DCIPHOLYLANDDynamic Catholic Pilgrimage to The Holy Land10 days
MF010924Holy Land Pilgrimage with God's Embrace Ministries10 days
VetranoIrelandWaiting for new dates10 days
RLC061224Real Life Catholic Pilgrimage to the Holy Land11 days
92-SSan Giovanni Rotondo & Assisi7 days
PC101124Pilgrimage to Rome, Assisi, Sorrento and Amalfi Coast with Optional Post Tour to Sicily with Fr Paul Colling and Fr Tom Ludwig11 days
111DD111024The Holy Land - Walk Where Jesus Walked10 days
DC122624The Holy Land - Walk Where Jesus Walked with Fr. Donald Calloway10 days
100158EVMedjugorje with accommodations at Ivan Dragicevics 9 days
LQ101324Pilgrimage to Holy Land, Walk Where Jesus Walked with Fr. Liam Quinlan10 days
JH062824Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary & St. Stephen RC Church10 days
DCIPPORTUGUESEDynamic Catholic Pilgrimage to The Portuguese Camino11 days
DCIPGREECEDynamic Catholic Pilgrimage to Greece with Greek Isles Cruise!11 days
ML040724Science of Sainthood Lenten Holy Land Pilgrimage with Matthew Leonard10 days
8ML092824Lourdes, Paris & Lisieux with Mark Le Clair9 days
7ML092824Lourdes, Paris, Lisieux & Medjugorje with Mark Le Clair13 days
1AM100524Medjugorje Mini-Stay6 days
1aml100524Medjugorje Mini-Stay6 days
MC041524The Holy Land - Walk Where Jesus Walked10 days
50PP101324Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Shrines of Italy18 days
DD011524The Holy Land - Walk Where Jesus Walked with Fr. David Dawson10 days
MP110424Pilgrimage to Holy Land, Walk Where Jesus Walked with Fr. Marc Paveglio10 days
ML092224The Catholic Messenger Presents a Pilgrimage to The Holy Land with Archbishop Thomas Zinkula and Deacon Matthew Levy10 days
AW021924White House Retreat Holy Land Pilgrimage with Father Anthony Wieck, S.J.13 days
SB061925Sadha Barnes 44th Anniversary Pilgrimage to Medjugorje9 days
DS100124Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Fr. David Sabel10 days
LF050524Pilgrimage to The Holy Land with Resurrection Parish10 days
LG071424Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Walk Where Jesus Walked10 days
LP101424Italy with Rev Louis Phillips10 days
MB022524Holy Land, Walk Where Jesus Walked with Fr. Stan Wadowski & Marge Baum10 days
111NB010224The Holy Land - Walk Where Jesus Walked10 days
CD092124The Holy Land - Walk Where Jesus Walked with Fr. Chris Decker10 days
JT092824Great Shrines of France with Fr. Jess Ty and Fr. Bing13 days
DC041424Pilgrimage to Medjugorje, with Fr. Donald Calloway9 days
BN040824Pilgrimage to Holy Land, Walk Where Jesus Walked with Bettie Nolin and Fr. Jerry Daigle10 days
MD100824Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Post Tour Dubrovnik with Fr. Michael Depcik & Sherry Williams8 days
BL110924Holy Land Pilgrimage with Fr. Bobby LeBlanc and Fr. Patrick O'Connor11 days
CH101324Pilgrimage to Marian Shrine with Chip Harris10 days
AC100624Pilgrimage to Holy Land with Father Allain Caparas KHS11 days
JS102724Pilgrimage to Krakow and Shrines of Italy with Dcn. Jim Stanley14 days
FS100724Peregrinacion a Las Glorias de Turquia14 days
RT100624Pilgrimage to Holy Land, Walk Where Jesus Walked with St. Mary's Parish10 days
PB102524Pilgrimage to Fatima and Flavors of Portugal Douro River Cruise with Fr. Tim Harrison and Paul Blanchette13 days
JA100724Shrines of Italy Pilgrimage with Fr. Joseph Arockiasamy10 days
TD102724Pilgrimage to Holy Land with Post Optional Tour to Egypt with Fr. Thomas Dufner10 days
TO042125Shrines of Italy With Optional Post Tour to Florence and Venice with Fr Chika Kamalu and Theresa Olsson10 days
KM100424Travel With Kerry-In the Footsteps of St. Paul: Greece and Greek Isle Cruise10 days
JW102624Holy Land with Fr. Jonathan Wilson and Jami and Dan Warner10 days
KL010225Holy Land with Fr. Kevin Lenius10 days
DR100924Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Optional post Tour to Dubrovnik with Dot Ryan7 days
VS120124Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Victoria Sanchez10 days
DG020225St. Gabriel Church Pilgrimage to The Holy Land10 days
JK101424Ireland with Fr. Kirby10 days
156MF101024 Classical Egypt with Nile Cruise10 days
NH091524Trinitarian Pilgrimage Retreat to the Holy Land with Sr. Magdalit and Fr. Nathaniel Hinds12 days
EH120124Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Saint Francis University10 days
5JK092824The Best Shrines of France12 days
JD111124Luxury Pilgrimage to Holy Land, with Father Charles Dussouy10 days
DK120824Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadelupe and Mexico City with Fr. Dawid Kwiatkowski6 days
JK030425Shrines of Italy with Fr. Jeffrey Kirby10 days
JK060825Holy Land Pilgrimage with Fr. Jeffrey Kirby10 days
GM092224Holy Land with Fr. Steve Voyt10 days
SP042125Fr Sigmund Peplowski and St. Cecilia Parish: Holy Year Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy11 days
JW101424Nassau County Ceremonial Unit: Pilgrimage to Rome, Sorrento and Assisi with Jimmy Wildeman10 days
RONENTEST23Fr. XYZ Pilgrimage to Italy (TEST)9 days
DD081525Holy Land with Optional Post Tour to Dubai with Fr. Dwayne Davis10 days
EL111124The Holy Land with Fr. Eugene Lee10 days
EB101424Pilgrimage to Holy Land with Fr. Eric Bowman 9 days
PA102724Best Shrines of France with Optional Post Tour to Medjugorje with Fr. Matthew MacDonald11 days
CK102224Pilgrimage to The Holy Land and Optional Post Tour to Jordan with Msgr. Frank Rossi 10 days
JR021025Pilgrimage to The Holy Land, Walk Where Jesus Walked with Monica Vasquez and Fr. James Richardson10 days
20AJM051124Great Shrines of France17 days
AW100424Anne Werbicki & Fr David Darcy Pilgrimage to Greece12 days
DC010825Mexico & Our Lady of Guadalupe Pilgrimage with Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC6 days
DC090525Poland Pilgrimage - The Land of Saints with Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC9 days
DC060925Turin and Saints of Northern Italy Pilgrimage with Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC10 days
MJ011925The Holy Land with Optional Post Retreat to Rome and Assisi10 days
CV092225Holy Year in Rome Pilgrimage with Christina Villas8 days
EntryProtocolFr. Steve Smith Pilgrimage to the Shrines of Italy10 days
161LA092724Greece in Footsteps of St. Paul with Greek Isle Cruise11 days
AF110324Peregrinacion a Tierra Santa con El Padre Jose Hector Gonzalez y Alina Fabrega9 days
TL060324Pilgrimage to Poland, In the Footsteps of St. John Paul II and Prague with Theresa Lafontant and Radio Telle Lafwa11 days
ISRAEL-TEST-FTCFuture Travel Credits1 days
JA051125Pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes, and Medjugorje with Jean'Harrry Aucul and Fr. Francois Charles13 days
DH101024IPilgrimage to the Shrines of Italy with Father Martin Irudayanathan10 days
DH101024IMPilgrimage to the Shrines of Italy and Medjugorje Father Martin Irudayanathan14 days
DH101024MPilgrimage to the Medjugorje with Father Martin Irudayanathan9 days
JAE040524-2Pilgrimage to Egypt with Fr. John Amsberry10 days
JAEJ040524-2Egypt & Jordan with Fr. John Amsberry12 days
JAEJHL040524-2Egypt, Jordan & The Holy Land with Fr. John Amsberry20 days
JAJHL041224-2Jordan & The Holy Land with Fr. John Amsberry13 days
JA041524-2The Holy Land with Fr. John Amsberry10 days
12Advent pilgrimage to Salzburg7 days
SD090725Holy Land with Spirit Daily11 days
JT100924Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Jennifer Tallerico9 days
JL061925Journey to St. Benedict: An Oblate Pilgrimage to Mount Angel Abbey's Ancestral Monasteries with Fr. John Paul Le and Sandra Koceja12 days
TD111324Pilgrimage to Italy with Fr. Jim Deiters10 days
162-MGreece and Malta12 days
SPCP101024Shrines of Italy with Mike Aquilina10 days
98JM100724Classic Italy14 days
SM050224Trinitarian Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Sr. Magdalit and Fr. Jacques Philippe10 days
SPCP030725Shrines of Italy with Rob Corzine10 days
AB092224Diaconate Ordination Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy with Fr. Andy Bulso12 days
SPCP051625Greece and Greek Isles Cruise with Dr. John Bergsma11 days
SHDDMM26The Holy Land with Dr. Scott and Kimberly Hahn10 days
100158DSPilgrimage to Medjugorje, with accommodations at Ivan Dragicevics home with Dave and Bette Shober9 days
SPCP061025Marian Shrines with Saint Paul Center10 days
102Malta and All Italian Shrines18 days
DCIPIRELANDDynamic Catholic Pilgrimage to Ireland10 days
BL111924Poland, In the Footsteps of St. John Paul II & St. Faustina with Fr. Bobby LeBlanc9 days
RK100824Marian Shrines with Fr. Robert Kuznik10 days
MJ110324The Holy Land with Fr. Dennis Miller11 days
BS110324Pilgrimage to Shrines of Spain with Brian Soliven11 days
161ACP100424Greece in Footsteps of St. Paul with Greek Isle Cruise & Medjugorje15 days
DM101024All Italian Shrines with Diana McGinty and Fr Danda12 days
1BPK102824Medjugorje & Dubrovnik11 days
ISRAEL-AB-FTCFuture Travel Credits1 days
MP050924R Pilgrimage to Shrines of Spain With Eagle Eye Ministries & Fr. Nathan Cromly10 days
RM092724Pilgrimage to Greece and Greek Isle Cruise with Radio Maria11 days
MJ100924Poland, In the Footsteps of St. John Paul II with Fr. Ivan Nienhaus9 days
DC050225Pilgrimage to Medjugorje, with Fr. Donald Calloway9 days
FRLAMPFr. Lamp in Italy10 days
192The Holy Land, Prague, Salzburg, Vienna, Budapest18 days
JW101724Continuing Wayne Weible's Mission Pilgrimage to Medjugorje9 days
AK051725Pilgrimage to Italy with Fr. Allen Kirchner10 days
ML033025Lenten Science of Sainthood Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Matthew Leonard10 days
168-RSPoland, Rome, Sorrento and Assisi17 days
195-PCroatia, Slovenia, and Poland17 days
195-ACroatia, Slovenia, Poland, Prague, Austria and Budapest25 days
38-CSFatima, Spain, Lourdes, Medjugorje, Croatia and Slovenia22 days
168-CSPoland, Croatia, and Slovenia17 days
CU101424Pilgrimage to Barcelona, Madrid, South Spain, Lisbon and Fatima13 days
40-CSFatima, Spain, Lourdes, Paris, Croatia & Slovenia22 days
8-CSLourdes, Paris, Lisieux, Croatia & Slovenia17 days
91-CSRome, Medjugorje, Croatia & Slovenia17 days
56-CSShrines of Spain, Croatia & Slovenia17 days
105Southern Italy12 days
BRAZILOur Lady of Aparecida, Brazil & Argentina Pilgrimage6 days
BN093024Pilgrimage to The Great Shrines of France with Fr. Jerry John Daigle Jr and Bettie Nolin12 days
106Northern Italy11 days
106-AAll Italian Shrines with Turin and Milan19 days
106-SGrand Shrines of Italy23 days
100MM100724Faith & Food Pilgrimage to Italy11 days
92-LSan Giovanni Rotondo, Assisi, Florence, Padua & Venice11 days
LQ101424Pilgrimage to Poland, In the Footsteps of St. John Paul II & St. Faustina9 days
GC102424France and Italy in the Footsteps of St. Therese of Lisieux.14 days
FR031425Father Ryan High School Rome & Assisi Pilgrimage with Fr. Gervan Menezes and Fr. Anh Tuan Phan 10 days
JL090525Poland Pilgrimage In the Footsteps of St. John Paul II & St. Faustina with Fr. Joseph Lappe, MIC and Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC9 days
34-FLourdes & Fatima8 days
104-CRome, San Giovanni Rotondo, Assisi, & Florence12 days
LO081825Shrines of Italy with Fr. Lawrence Onyegu9 days
161KD050925Greece in Footsteps of St. Paul with Greek Isle Cruise11 days
PGF1Canonization of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati6 days
PGF96Canonization of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati - Shrines of Italy11 days
GP012025Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe and Cristero Saints of Mexico with Fr. Gregg Pedersen7 days
CBWisconsinPilgrimage to Wisconsin and Audience with His Eminence, Cardinal Burke5 days
206TM111424Mexico - Our Lady of Guadalupe6 days
MF093024Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy with Gods Embrace Ministries10 days
AK093024Diaconate Ordination Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi with Prince of Peace Catholic Church10 days
CM101524Lourdes and Medjugorje with Fr. Nikolin Pergjini9 days
111NF101225The Holy Land - Walk Where Jesus Walked10 days
DG100724Faith and Food Pilgrimage to Italy with Fr. Kevin Tran and David Glasow11 days
161MK101824Greece in Footsteps of St. Paul with Greek Isle Cruise11 days
70NH100724El Camino - The Way of St. James - Spain (A Walking Pilgrimage)11 days
KK061625Rome and Assisi with Katie Kresser10 days
RONEN2024Fr. John Smith Pilgrimage to the Shrines of Italy10 days
MJ100725Assisi and Rome with Fr. Ivan Nienhaus 11 days
BP050625In the Footsteps of St Paul: Pilgrimage to Greece and Greek Isle Cruise with Fr. Brian Park11 days
PA021525Medjugorje with Our Lady Queen of Peace Prayer Group9 days
SS100324Air only to Medjugorje with Steve Shawl7 days
DCIPFATIMAConsecrate Yourself to The Eucharist Pilgrimage & Retreat to Fatima7 days
JW102324Rome and Assisi with Fr. Jonathan Wilson and Jami and Dan Warner10 days
SS100625El Camino (The Way of St. James) with Fr. William Thompson and Sidna Scheitel11 days
DCIPFATIMA37Consecrate Yourself to The Eucharist Pilgrimage & Retreat to Fatima, Spain & Lourdes12 days
DCIPFATIMA40Consecrate Yourself to The Eucharist Pilgrimage & Retreat to Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Paris16 days
206BT100324Mexico - Our Lady of Guadalupe6 days
TB042825Pilgrimage to Poland, In the Footsteps of St. John Paul II & St. Faustina with Fr. Thomas Belanger9 days
220JL072125Catholic Pilgrimage to England In The Company of Mary, Missionaries, Monks, Martyrs, Scholars & Converts11 days
160VP100124Greece: The 2nd Missionary Journey of the Apostle Paul14 days
RT101925Pilgrimage to Holy Land with Fr. Tvrdik and St. Mary's Parish10 days
FM101924Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi with Fr. Peter Joseph Roaldi10 days
DD102124Medjugorje with Fr. David Dawson & Fr. Miles Walsh9 days
1-ABMedjugorje and Dubrovnik8 days
RH051025Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to All Italian Shrines with Optional Post Tour To Florence & Venice with Fr. Robert Hughes10 days
EH121124Shrines of Spain with Eric Horrel & Fr. Malachi Van Tassell, T.O.R11 days
WK051925Lisbon, Fatima, Spain and Lourdes with Fr. Willy Kingsley & Fr. Andrew Sioleti10 days
NN110524Pilgrimage to to Greece and Greek Isle Cruise with Fr. Nicholas Napolitano11 days
MP110424RPilgrimage to Marian Shrines With Fr. Marc Paveglio10 days
LK050525Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Turin and Shrines of Italy with Mgrs. James Kee 12 days
161JP101725Greece in Footsteps of St. Paul with Greek Isle Cruise with Fr. J. Marcel Portelli11 days
GM091625In the Footsteps of St Paul with Grace Magbaleta and Fr. Tim Ilgen11 days
VU042825Jubilee Year to Turin, Florence, Assisi, San Giovanni Rotondo and Rome with Fr. Victor Anthony Ulto12 days
MJ010325Shrines of Italy with Fr. Sean Smith and Fr. Chris Podhajsky10 days
172PK060925Poland, Prague, Austria & Budapest with Fr. Patrick Keane17 days
SS110724Air only to Medjugorje with Steve Shawl7 days
MC042825Pilgrimage to Marian Shrines with Maria Conley and Fr. Hoa Ngyuen10 days
20-SLisieux to La Salette11 days
40-LFatima, Spain and the Great Shrines of France18 days
DL091524Pilgrimage to Marian Shrines with Dcn. Dave Lesieur10 days
JL120124Holy Land with Franciscan University and Fr. Joe Lehman, T.O.R.10 days
MM103024Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Medjugorje Magazine9 days
165-SIstanbul5 days
78SP061725Camino: the Portuguese route11 days
161-ISTGreece in Footsteps of St. Paul with Greek Isle Cruise and Istanbul14 days
161-TGreece and Turkey21 days
AG111725Food and Faith Pilgrimage to Italy with Optional Post Tour to Milan and Pavia with Fr. Ajani Gibson11 days
161WM032125Greece in Footsteps of St. Paul with Greek Isle Cruise11 days
DD081825Shrines of Italy with Fr. Dwayne Davis 9 days
NZ091525Pilgrimage to Ireland, In the Footsteps of St Patrick10 days
MR102124Pilgrimage to Great Shrines of France with Fr. Matthew Roche13 days
DC122624ECatholic Pilgrimage to England: Our Lady, St. Joseph, Saints, Martyrs, and New Years in London with Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC9 days
WC100625Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy with Fr. Rex Familar10 days
DRC1025Cruise Pilgrimage - Melodies of Danube Cruise Pilgrimage14 days
98ID102224Classic Italy14 days
CS100324Pilgrimage to Malta & Rome with Carol Samuel9 days
LL110325Pilgrimage to Spain, France & Italy, In the Footsteps of St. Dominic with Fr. Lawrence Lew14 days
240VP091125The Best of Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway and Sweden)15 days
AM022025Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe and Mexico City with Sr. Anne Marie Elizabeth SV6 days
96EL111824Shrines of Italy10 days
FIT PeconiIndividual Travel to Lourdes3 days
LV101824Pilgrimage to Lourdes, Rome and Medjugorje with Fr. Luc-Marie Vaillant12 days
JH101325Rome and Assisi with Msgr. John Hart10 days
216PB061825Germany, Austria, Switzerland & Northern Italy with Fr. Red Blevins11 days
DC122625The Holy Land - Walk Where Jesus Walked with Fr. Donald Calloway10 days
LS092925Fr. Brian D. Konopa Shrines of Italy with Linda Schwartz 10 days
DW111124Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Triumph Pilgrimages10 days
MR060225Catholic Educators Pilgrimage Retreat Retreat To France and Italy11 days
AW092825Jubilee Year pilgrimage to the Shrines of Italy with Anne Werbicki & Fr David Darcy10 days
MA062025Marian Shrines and Medjugorje with Marie Altidor13 days
217JM082425Scotland & Ireland14 days
40LP102724Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Paris14 days
SH042625El Camino Walking Pilgrimage - The Way of St. James with Steve Hayes11 days
168DK100124Poland: In the Footsteps of St. John Paul II & St. Faustina9 days
SB060425Fatima and Lourdes with Fr. Stephen Brigandi and Carol Tannehill9 days
JR2025Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with JR11 days
70AA092724El Camino - The Way of St. James - Spain (A Walking Pilgrimage)11 days
PH102524Join St Therese and Fr Dulibber Gonzalez as spiritual director11 days
RJ043025Paris & Lourdes with Msgr. Jameson9 days
212MS091525Canada - Montreal & Quebec7 days
CK100724Air only to Medjugorje with Cimela & Palomita Pilgirmages 10 days
DD052625Pilgrimage to Shrines of Croatia and Slovenia with Fr. Daniel Dury10 days
JB120824Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe and Mexico City with Jake Bouvier6 days
SD091024Medjugorje with Spirit Daily9 days
JC111724Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy with Fr. John Cyr10 days
JM102025Pilgrimage to Marian Shrines with Fr. James Marshall10 days
GM101324Medjugorje with Gospa Missions9 days
DW051524Air only to Medjugorje with Triumph Pilgrimages10 days
BS081825The Shrines of Italy with Blessed Sacrament9 days
SP031025Fundraising Pilgrimage to Benefit the St. Pius Residence for Retired Priests’ to Italy and Medjugorje12 days
FIT-RANSOMMedjugorje with Patty Ransom3 days
AC090925Pilgrimage to Greece and Greek Isle Cruise with Angel Connection11 days
NM051525Rome and Assisi with Fr. Nathan Malavolti, TOR and Franciscan University10 days
DP060725Poland with Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR and Franciscan University9 days
JH080425Pilgrimage to Ireland with Fr. Bob Blaney & Dcn. John Hunt10 days
48BB032925Fatima, Lourdes & Northern Spain with the Back of the Bus Gang14 days
DR042325Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Doreen Rogers10 days
TK041425Tim Kockler Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Turin, Florence, Assisi, SGR and Rome12 days
DV091525Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Poland and Rome with All Saints Parish12 days
PGF103Canonization of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati - All Italian Shrines15 days
JK042125Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi with Deacon Joshua Knight10 days
AWBM092825Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy with Anne Werbicki & Fr. Brian McGrath10 days
AI100225Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Malta, Sorrento and Rome with Msgr. Mariano Balbago, Jr12 days
JG061825Shrines of Spain with Fr. Jhon Guarnizo11 days
NH082525All Italian Shrines with Fr. Neil Herlihy and Steve Norton10 days
SK090325Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Sandra Koceja and Fr. Peter Dugandzic10 days
MF081125Pilgrimage to Ireland with Fr. Michael Fitzpatrick10 days
JA050425Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Fr. Amsberry10 days
JD041926In the Footsteps of Saints and Soldiers: Pilgrimage to France with Jeff Daley and Fr. Kenneth Brabazon11 days
MM061625M and M Travel Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy with Optional Post Tour to Lourdes and Santiago de Compostela11 days
DW022425Fr. Stan Fortuna Jubilee Year pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy with Debbie Womack11 days
161RB053025Greece in Footsteps of St. Paul with Greek Isle Cruise11 days
PGF2In the Footsteps of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati12 days
20RG051025Great Shrines of France13 days
JA101424Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Janet Astileanu10 days
55JH062925Marian Shrines in Portugal, Spain & France17 days
USAPGF1Canonization of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati7 days
USAPGF2In the Footsteps of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati12 days
SK082725In the Footsteps of St. John Paul II & St. Faustina with Sandra Koceja and Fr. Peter Dugandzic9 days
DB011325Jubilee Year pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy with Fr. Wilhelm and Dean Bittner12 days
RLCPGF2Chris Stefanick - RLC Blesseds of Italy Pilgrimage Pier Giorgio Frassati & Carlo Acutis12 days
DW101524Air only to Medjugorje with Triumph Pilgrimages10 days
40DV111024Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Paris14 days
37IK021925Fatima, Spain & Lourdes10 days
WC111524Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe and Cristero Saints of Mexico with Fr. Wilfredo Contreras8 days
GM100625Pilgrimage to Rome, Sorrento and Sicily with Fr. Jerry Mahon12 days
MF050125Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe and Cristero Saints of Mexico with Fr. Michael Fye and Claudia Chin8 days
JS042725Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi with Fr. Dan Hennessey and Jodi Sampson9 days
98ME050525Classic Italy14 days
206SRP100324Mexico - Our Lady of Guadalupe6 days
SF102325Jubilee Year Italy with Fr. Juan Mercado, Susan and Dody Foster15 days
AC101525Pilgrimage to Egypt, Greece & Rome with Msgr. Alfred Cedric Culmer16 days
AO100725Pilgrimage to Marian Shrines with Fr. Alfred Obiudu10 days
RV042325Rafael Villongco Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Rome & Assisi for Canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis9 days
RH050225Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Fr. Richard Heilman9 days
JF021725Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Classic Italy with Father Joe Fitzgerald11 days
GS042925Pilgrimage to Greece and Greek Isle Cruise with Optional Post Tour to Turkey with Fr. George Sears and Fr. James Cruz11 days
216JL082425Germany, Austria, Switzerland & Northern Italy11 days
105-RSouthern Italy and Rome15 days
MM110325Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Rome & Medjugorje with Martha Morgan11 days
SC021825Pilgrimage to Shrines of Spain with Fr. Sean Cullen8 days
98MM042125Classic Italy14 days
JK061426In the Footsteps of St Paul: Pilgrimage to Greece and Greek Isle Cruise12 days
48-MFatima, Garabandal, Lourdes and Medjugorje14 days
SB091425Fatima, Spain, and Lourdes with Fr. Michael Panicali10 days
103DB052625All Italian Shrines14 days
PB042825Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Optional Post Tour to Dubrovnik and Split with Paul Blanchette8 days
DH090825St. Lawrence Parish Jubilee Pilgrimage to Poland and Rome with Dana Hammele and Fr. Steve Williams12 days
JK030826Pilgrimage to Poland & Optional Post Tour to Prague with Fr. Kirby 9 days
SS080225Air only to Medjugorje with Steve Shawl7 days
LD040425Pilgrimage to Lourdes, Rome and Medjugorje with Ludger Dauphine11 days
TF101325Shrines of Italy with Thomas Falkowski and Fr. Andrew Johnson10 days
DCIPFATIMA37SConsecrate Yourself to The Eucharist Pilgrimage & Retreat to Fatima, Santiago de Compostela, Covadonga & Lourdes12 days
FIT - MCDANIELPrivate Tour to Rome, Lanciano, and Assisi10 days
172JH042825Poland, Prague, Austria & Budapest with Fr. Jay Harrington17 days
DCIPFATIMA40SConsecrate Yourself to The Eucharist Pilgrimage & Retreat to Fatima, Santiago de Compostela, Covadonga, Lourdes & Paris16 days
LL042825Diocese of Grand Rapids: Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy with Pattie Reynolds10 days
JH040725Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Rome with Bishop Robert Hennessey8 days
DP010625Our Lady of Guadalupe with Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR and Franciscan University5 days
SR042325Medjugorje and Dubrovnik with Franciscan University of Steubenville10 days
JK060625Pilgrimage to Greece and Greek Isle Cruise with Fr. Kirby11 days
JN052025St Frances Cabrini Parish & Jackie Nguyen pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes and Medjugorje 12 days
KM053025Pilgrimage to Greece and Greek Isle Cruise with the Saint Francis de Sales Forum11 days
LL091926Latin Mass Pilgrimage to the Marian Shrines with Fr. Lawrence Lew OP10 days
BCA10425Canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis7 days
BCA30425Canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis - Assisi & Rome9 days
RM092425Radio Maria Pilgrimage to Medjugorje, Rome and Assisi10 days
MG090825Pilgrimage to Munich, Fussen, Prague, Bratislava and Budapest with Drew Haaser14 days
MS081125Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Miki Schultz and Fr. Perez9 days
LK042825Pilgrimage to Mexico City with Lupe Mata-Kimble6 days
DR042225Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Optional Post Tour to Dubrovnik7 days
DW052125Air only to Medjugorje with Ave Maria University and Triumph Pilgrimages10 days
DK080425Pilgrimage to Marian Shrines with Fr. Daniel Kravatz10 days
LA090125Radio Santisimo Sacramento - Jubilee Year pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy: Rome, San Giovanni Rotondo, Lanciano, Loreto, Assisi, Cascia and Orvieto11 days
JJ061625Medjugorje & Dubrovnik with Fr. Josh Johnson & Fr. Reuben Dykes8 days
VR062925Pilgrimage to Marian Shrines with Fr. Romane St Vil10 days
217MW072325Scotland & Ireland14 days
DCIPFATIMA4BConsecrate Yourself to The Eucharist Pilgrimage & Retreat to Fatima, Alba de Tormes, Avila, Segovia, Zaragoza, Montserrat, Barcelona12 days
JM062025Pilgrimage to Poland, In the Footsteps of St. John Paul II, St. Faustina & St. Maximilian Kolbe with Joshua Mazrin and Fr. Rafael Capo9 days
196PS050225Medjugorje, Shrines of Croatia, Slovenia with the Pat Smith13 days
PZ110325Pilgrimage to Rome, Assisi, Orvieto, Florence with Optional Post Tour to Lucca, Milan, Venice and Medjugorje with Fr. Peter Zorjan9 days
FIT-AIRTEDSMITHAir Only to Italy and France with Ted Smith15 days
GT090825Holy Land with Gregory Terrebonne: Walk Where Jesus Walked12 days
RK100725The Archdiocese of Nassau Jubilee Pilgrimage with Archbishop Patrick C. Pinder10 days
BS051525Rome & San Giovanni Rotondo Jubilee Year Pilgrimage with Fr. Bill Swengros & Maritza Reyes8 days
PH072625Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Canonization of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati with Frassati Catholic Church10 days
92MM042125Rome & Assisi10 days
RV031225Rafael Villongco Pilgrimage to Medjugorje9 days
MV061625Fr. Manuel Villalobos Pilgrimage to Turkey, Georgia and Armenia17 days
HF032925Greece with Msgr. Hilary Franco11 days
BO072925Jubilee Year pilgrimage Medjugorje and Rome with Brandy Osterberger and Fr Edwin Leonard10 days
DRRC1025Cruise Pilgrimage - Flavors of Portugal Douro River Cruise and Fatima13 days
EZ092525Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Fr. Ignacio Ortigas and Erlinda Zelaya6 days
MC280425Jubilee Year to Shrines of Italy with Deacon Mike Catalano & Fr. Eric Fowlkes8 days
202AM080425Ireland10 days
111MJ042725The Holy Land - Walk Where Jesus Walked10 days
92DM061625Rome & Assisi10 days
FP060125Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi with Fr. Francis Pizzarelli9 days
TD050225Fr. Thomas Dufner Pilgrimage to Poland and Prague with optional post tour to San Giovanni Rotondo & Rome12 days
100PC060925Faith & Food Pilgrimage to Italy11 days
RR052525Jubilee Pilgrimage to Italy with Rebholtz Family13 days
TF063025Jubilee Year pilgrimage to Turin, Florence, Assisi, Orvieto and Rome with Fr. Tim Farrell12 days
EB052925Pilgrimage to Ireland with Fr. Eric Boelscher10 days
EB091525El Camino Walking Pilgrimage - The Way of St. James with Fr. Boelscher11 days
DD010625Marian Shrines with Fr. David Dawson and Fr. Miles Walsh10 days
97-SRome and San Giovanni Rotondo7 days
ML070725Pilgrimage to the Marian Shrines with Fr. Mike McCormick along with John and Mary Etta Legarski10 days
NN062625Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe with Fr. Nicholas Napolitano and Brynne Mixon6 days
SV061625Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Rome, Cascia, Assisi, Orvieto, Siena, Florence, Pisa and Turin with Fr. Stephen Vrazel12 days
98GB020325Classic Italy14 days
LH071925Fr. Martin F. Kern Lourdes and Paris Pilgrimage with Lorraine Echevarria-Hendricks8 days
103SA042125All Italian Shrines14 days
103FR081831All Italian Shrines14 days
FIT-GF061625Medjugorje, Lisieux, & Paris 11 days
PB101325Pilgrimage to Shrines and Saints of France with Paul Blanchette12 days
99RM052625Rome, Sorrento & Assisi 10 days
DG101725In the Footsteps of St Paul with St. Gabriel Church11 days
JC081825Pilgrimage to Poland with Fr John Clote 10 days
VS062325Saints Simon and Jude Catholic Church's Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy10 days
YM080125St. Boniface Pilgrimage to El Camino, The Way of St. James with Yonique Malbranche11 days
37KM091425Fatima, Spain & Lourdes10 days
PA101325Fr. Michael Lombardi and Penny Abbruzzese Jubilee Year pilgrimage to Sicily and San Giovanni Rotondo14 days
MD051925Pilgrimage to El Camino, in the footsteps of St. James with Fr. Michael Daly11 days
PM051225Fr. Philip Mahalic Jubilee Year Faith and Food Pilgrimage11 days
RaffleWinnerCUFCourage Under Fire Auction Winner1 days
56GG032325Shrines of Spain with Fr. Gerard Gordon9 days
FIT-JA100224FIT - Amsberry Family Lisbon, Fatima and Porto18 days
98-SORSorrento4 days
98-FRome, Sorrento, Assisi, & Florence12 days
TP051225Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi with Fr. Todd Philipsen9 days
SRC1025Cruise Pilgrimage - Highlights of Seine Cruise through the heart of Normandy12 days
DR050525Fr. Dan Mahoney Pilgrimage to Poland with Optional Post Tour to Medjugorje9 days
ML101126Pilgrimage to Great Shrines of France with Dcn. Matthew Laidley and Fr. Scott Woods13 days
MD102725Fr. Marco De Loera Jubilee Year pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy11 days
AMM101325Rome and Assisi Jubilee Year Pilgrimage with the Shrine of Miraculous Medal10 days
PA062925Fr. Matthew MacDonald Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to All Italian Shrines11 days
96HZ042125Shrines of Italy10 days
DAWSONMEDJFr. Ivan Dawson 20 Day Medjugorje21 days
165PJ091425Biblical Turkey12 days
103GT030325All Italian Shrines with Greg Terrebonne14 days
SHU080725Seton Hall University In Celebration of 50th anniversary of St Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Canonization El Camino to Santiago de Compostela11 days
99-ARome, Sorrento, Assisi & Medjugorje14 days
RLC072525Blesseds of Italy Pilgrimage - Pier Giorgio Frassati and Carlo Acutis with Fr. Michael O’Loughlin & Fr. Sean Conroy 12 days
TI020125Thomistic Institute Study Abroad - Excursions in Italy – 2025 Semester4 days
HZ042625Medjugorje with Marian Travel Service10 days
MM062925Young Adult Outreach Office of Archdiocese of New York Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to All Italian Shrines11 days
PW032225Parents' Week Austria Experience10 days
CC030625Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Cathy Collins9 days
56ED062225Shrines of Spain9 days
CO072025In the Footsteps of St. Patrick with Fr. Charles Obinwa10 days
178DK092425The Best of Poland – From Krakow9 days
SP101525Pilgrimage to Marian Shrines with Fr. Scott Perry and Vicki DeMuth 10 days
JK092225Marian Shrines with Father Jim Kelleher, SOLT10 days
209JP030225Guadalupe and Cristero Saints of Mexico8 days
BW090525In the Footsteps of St. James, El Camino Pilgrimage with Brian Wagner11 days
JS072725Jubilee Youth Year 9 days
Wohar-FITRoundtrip Flights to Milan10 days
MASCOLOFITMascolo Family in Lisbon, Fatima and Lourdes10 days
DG072125Pilgrimage to Ireland and Northern Ireland with Fr. Daniel Gifford and Fr. Tom Gardner9 days
LB042325In the Footsteps of Blessed Carlo Acutis Canonization Pilgrimage12 days
225JB031525Walking the Way of St. Francis in Italy13 days
70MC051925El Camino - The Way of St. James - Spain (A Walking Pilgrimage)11 days
EI101325Jubilee Year pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy with Fr. Butch Malana13 days
LS101325St. Pius X Church Jubilee Year pilgrimage to All Italian Shrines with Lindsay Sartorio11 days
161VK051625Fr. Victor Kynam Greece in Footsteps of St. Paul with Greek Isle Cruise11 days
KP071725Mini Medjugorje Pilgrimage with Fr. Seraphim Wirth F.B.P. and Ka Paw Law6 days
KG090525Poland Pilgrimage - The Land of Saints with Fr. Ken Geraci CPM and Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC9 days
SS120524Air only to Medjugorje with Steve Shawl7 days
37MJ012425Fatima, Spain & Lourdes10 days
CK052725Air only to Medjugorje with Cimela & Palomita Pilgirmages 10 days
78JE042925Camino: the Portuguese route11 days
220LC091625Catholic Pilgrimage to England In The Company of Mary, Missionaries, Monks, Martyrs, Scholars & Converts11 days
MT070925Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi for Catholic High School Students10 days
SK071425St. Thomas the Apostle Church: Pilgrimage to Canada with Fr. Steve Kunkel & James Peck7 days
5DC070425The Best Shrines of France12 days
LH050325Medjugorje with Lori Hawes & Nives Jelich10 days
BS060225Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with stay at Ivan Dragicevic with Fr. Brian Seiler9 days
AO051225Fr. Ariel Orozco Portuguese El Camino walking pilgrimage with Post Optional Tour to Lisbon and Fatima11 days
FIT-100224Accommodation Only to Medjugorje10 days
206JE120824Fr. Jonnel Eucare - Mexico - Our Lady of Guadalupe6 days
202JM082825Ireland10 days
172CA090825Poland, Prague, Austria & Budapest17 days
XU111725Centennial celebration of Xavier University of Louisiana - Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy11 days
CM072625Canonization Pilgrimage to Italy In the Footsteps of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati and Blessed Carlo Acutis with Fr. Charles Mangano and Fr. Tony Stanganelli and Fr. Dennis12 days
FIT-BL120824Italy with Barbara Lindstrom9 days
LG070625Cristero Saints Pilgrimage to Mexico with Our Lady of Guadalupe La Habra8 days
103DI070725All Italian Shrines14 days
100DT100625Faith & Food Pilgrimage to Italy11 days
156RA021325Classical Egypt with Nile Cruise10 days
67-LGarabandal, Santiago de Compostela, Fatima, Spain, Lisieux, Paris, Nevers, Lyon, Ars, La Salette22 days
37VB033025Fatima, Spain & Lourdes10 days
AP051925Pilgrimage to Marian Shrines with Fr Paul Brunet and Ana Pedersen10 days
111LUXTM101925The Holy Land in Luxury Accommodation10 days
70PP050525El Camino - The Way of St. James - Spain (A Walking Pilgrimage)11 days
56WG022025Shrines of Spain9 days
56MZ091525Shrines of Spain9 days
70CJ040425El Camino - The Way of St. James - Spain with Fr. Jaramillo11 days
78MS091625Camino: the Portuguese route11 days
JD042825Medjugorje with Fr. Charles Dussouy6 days
111BT101925Fr. Brandon Theisen The Holy Land - Walk Where Jesus Walked10 days
GC052525Holy Land Pilgrimage with Optional Pre Tour to Jordan with Dr. George Ceremuga10 days
JN101325Jeffrey Nicholson and Saint Katherine Drexel Parish: Pilgrimage to Medjugorje9 days
40RG102625Rev. Richard Gonzales Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Paris Pilgrimage14 days
LM092225Shrines of Italy with Msgr. Marucci10 days
ARC123125Cruise Pilgrimage - Asian Saints, Martyrs & Marian Pilgrimage 17 days
KC101325Pilgrimage to Catholic Shrines of Eastern America8 days
RW051225St. Thomas More USC Pilgrimage to Shrines and Saints of France11 days
LR051525Jubilee Year pilgrimage to Rome and Sorrento with Lisa Russo and Millennium Travel7 days
JD100625Fr. James Dodson Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy10 days
DP100625Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy and Lourdes with Fr. Peter Mactutis.11 days
CS010325Pilgrimage to Greece and Rome with Fr. Charles Samson13 days
LS083025Medjugorje with Fr. Jason Brilhante & Lucy Simao10 days
MD061425Medjugorje with Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo9 days
100AR090825Faith & Food Pilgrimage to Italy with Fr. Arnold Rosney11 days
55EL033025Marian Shrines in Portugal, Spain & France with Fr. Edward Lamp17 days
20GG040425Great Shrines of France with Fr. Gauvreau13 days
70JA090525El Camino - The Way of St. James - Spain (A Walking Pilgrimage) with Fr. Joy Antony11 days
1MGG0525Medjugorje with Fr. Gerald Gauvreau9 days
99SI072825Rome, Sorrento & Assisi with Fr. Stephen Imbarrato10 days
FITFrancoAirfare for Monsignor Franco25 days
FIT-NOTHEISPilgrimage to Medjugorje9 days
JP070325Krakow, Prague and Medjugorje with Fr. John Peter Pragasam12 days
JH030926St. Basils Cursillo community Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe and Mexico City with Dcn. John Hunt6 days
VL091625Portuguese Camino with Vicki Downey11 days
195-MFatima, Spain, Lourdes, Croatia & Slovenia18 days
37-SLisbon, Fatima, Salamanca and Burgos7 days
105-SSicily8 days
NT101325Northland Travel Pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes and Medjugorje14 days
209RC030225Guadalupe and Cristero Saints of Mexico8 days
NF091125Medjugorje with Nicole Farfan13 days
96EU040725Shrines of Italy with Fr. Emmanuel Umanah10 days
MM092925M and M Travel Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy14 days
HF040725Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi with Monsignor Hilary Franco9 days
107-SSouthern Italy (Sicily and Sorrento)10 days
107Southern Italy (Sicily, Sorrento and Rome)13 days
107-RSicily and Rome (with 2 additional nights Rome)13 days
107-ASicily, Sorrento and the Shrines of Italy18 days
CS060425Rome and Assisi with St. Croix Catholic School7 days
JB100625Janet Borchert Jubilee Year pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy:11 days
GM100325Greece Pilgrimage In the Footsteps of St. Paul with Greek Isles Cruise with Fr. Gervan Menezes11 days
100158MMMedjugorje with Ivan Dragicevic with Accommodations at the Dragicevic Family Home with Monique Miralles9 days
MW093025Fr. Mark Wagner Jubilee Year pilgrimage to Lourdes, Paris, Rome, and Assisi12 days
ES100625Great Shrines of Spain with Fr. Eric Scanlan10 days
MO091925Greece and Greek Isles with Fr. Matt O'Donnell11 days
SM070625Fr. Samuel Monaco Montreal & Quebec Pilgrimage with St. Anne's Parish7 days
FIT-AT111824Air only to Shannon Ireland 5 days
FIT-WilliamsonIndividual Travel to Medjugorje7 days
172RP033125Poland, Prague, Austria & Budapest17 days
37BC051825Fatima, Spain & Lourdes10 days
JC092125Medjugorje with Fr. Ed Riley & Jenn Canzano12 days
SM093025Pilgrimage to Shrines of Spain with Fr. Samuel Martinez9 days
40CM092225Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Paris14 days
RG091525El Camino Walking Pilgrimage, in the Footsteps of St. James with Msgr. Robert Gibbons11 days
DC012126Mexico Pilgrimage Our Lady of Guadalupe with Fr. Donald Calloway6 days
48HV083025Fatima, Lourdes & Northern Spain14 days
CB061825Carol Botani, Fr. James Gebhart and Fr. Efrain Flores: Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Optional Post Tour to Dubrovnik8 days
96JH092225Shrines of Italy with Janice Herlihy10 days
EB092225In the Footsteps of Apostles And Saints: Early Christianity in Turkey” with Msgr. Eric R. Barr, STL15 days
CV030625Medjugorje with Christy Villas and Fr. Richard Wendell9 days
161-POGreece and Poland19 days
161-BUGreece, Poland, Prague, Austria and Budapest27 days
CB100925Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Fr. Francois Pellissier9 days
PD050525Marian Shrines with Fr. Binoy Davis and St. Matthew 13 days
55GH042725Marian Shrines in Portugal, Spain & France with Fr. Greg Heidenblut17 days
37GH042725Fatima, Spain & Lourdes with Fr. Greg Heidenblut10 days
5GH050225The Best Shrines of France with Fr. Greg Heidenblut12 days
JF090825Pilgrimage to the Marian Shrines with Chorbishop John Faris10 days
RH101225Canada: Montreal and Quebec with Robert Hyler7 days
206DB011625Mexico - Our Lady of Guadalupe6 days
96MS020325Shrines of Italy with Fr. Marcel Sang10 days
SH060625Holy Family's Mission Honduras Ministry9 days
37-TLisbon, Fatima and Salamanca6 days
CS080625Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe and Mexico City with UPMASA - Michigan Chapter6 days
CC091525Lourdes, Paris and Rome with Prayers and Devotions Ministry11 days
CM081125Medjugorje with Fr. Charles Mangano & Fr. Tony Stanganelli9 days
195GD060925Croatia & Slovenia with Fr. George Dunne10 days
JH042026Dcn. John Hunt Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with stay at Ivan Dragicevic Home9 days
SB102125Fr. Britto Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Sandy Bernier9 days
40VR062925Fatima, Spain & Lourdes, Paris & Lisieux with Fr. Romane St Vil14 days
48LA053125Fatima, Lourdes & Northern Spain with Fr. Loyola Amalraj14 days
PK100158Patrice Kealy Medjugorje with accommodations at Ivan Dragicevic's9 days
70LM100625El Camino - The Way of St. James - Spain with Fr. Leo McDowell11 days
FIT-011325Individual Travel to Medjugorje days
48TM032925Fatima, Lourdes & Northern Spain with Fr. Thomas Miller14 days
DP100158David Pecjak Medjugorje with accommodations at Ivan Dragicevic's9 days
20BC082525Great Shrines of France with Fr. Ben Cameron13 days
5DD071625The Best Shrines of France12 days
37DO050525Fatima, Spain & Lourdes10 days
161ST060625Greece in Footsteps of St. Paul with Greek Isle Cruise with Fr. Thandiackal11 days
40DL052825Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Paris with Fr. Dan Lorimer14 days
212LE091525Canada - Montreal & Quebec with Fr. Lester Evangelista7 days
168PK060925Poland: In the Footsteps of St. John Paul II & St. Faustina9 days
70AD060625El Camino - The Way of St. James - Spain (A Walking Pilgrimage)11 days
172KN063025Poland, Prague, Austria & Budapest with Fr. Kenneth Nielson17 days
DO042425Medjugorje with St John the Baptist Catholic Church9 days
CR042325Cora Reyes Pilgrimage to Camino Ingles – The English Way11 days
6LH090425The Shrines of Southern France with Fr. Leonard Hindsley11 days
70CB070725El Camino - The Way of St. James - with Fr. Carlos Briceno11 days
37JM070725Fatima, Spain & Lourdes with Fr. Joseph Moreno10 days
5-TToulouse to Paris10 days
FIT-PEARSONPilgrimage to Medjugorje8 days
DL092925Fr. Lincoln Dall & Dcn. John McGregor Pilgrimage to Fatima, Spain and Lourdes with Optional Post Tour to Medjugorje10 days
VH050125Faith and Flowers Pilgrimage to South France with Vanessa Hamm15 days
WM060826Diocese of Owensboro Bishop William Medley Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy10 days
209JC070625Guadalupe and Cristero Saints of Mexico with Fr. John Calabro8 days
103DW072825All Italian Shrines with Fr. Denis Wilde14 days
37MS051225Fatima, Spain & Lourdes with Fr. Michael Raj Sebastian10 days
78MM061725Camino: the Portuguese route11 days
161BUKN061025Greece, Poland, Prague, Austria and Budapest27 days
161-BUKN061025Greece, Poland, Prague, Austria and Budapest with Fr. Kenneth Nielson27 days
172JB080425Poland, Prague, Austria & Budapest with Fr. James Bernard17 days
37RO081025Fatima, Spain & Lourdes with Fr. Richard oduor10 days
SC080125Pilgrimage to Malta, Rome, and Assisi with Fr. Seán Connolly12 days
161BH090525Greece in Footsteps of St. Paul with Greek Isle Cruise11 days
RLC073125Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Canonization Pilgrimage to Rome6 days
206PG062625Mexico - Our Lady of Guadalupe with Fr. Peter Glabik6 days
RK111025Fr. Robert Kuznik Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy9 days
RR092925Diocese of Nashville Jubilee Pilgrimage to Italy for the Diaconate Ordination of Reed Robinson 9 days
160ID090925The Best of Greece 11 days
37PD091425Fatima, Spain & Lourdes with Fr. Peter Dugandzic10 days
195PD092225Croatia & Slovenia with Fr. Peter Dugandzic10 days
172SJ091525Poland, Prague, Austria & Budapest with Fr. Stephen Jones17 days
70JS092625El Camino - The Way of St. James - Spain (A Walking Pilgrimage) with Fr. Joshua Santos11 days
TK110325Therese Klug and Fr. Thomas Kalam: Pilgrimage to Greece with Optional Post Tour to Rome9 days
161KN062025Greece in Footsteps of St. Paul with Greek Isle Cruise with Fr. Kenneth Nielson11 days
JA042825Medjugorje with Janet Astileanu and Fr. Francis Vivacqua11 days
SPCP120125Sicily with Mike Aquilina and the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology11 days
202JF092525Ireland10 days
RH092925Pilgrimage to Poland The Land of Saints In the Footsteps of St. John Paul II, St. Faustina & St. Maximilian Kolbe with Fr. Robert Hughes9 days
161EG092625Greece in Footsteps of St. Paul with Greek Isle Cruise11 days
161AEG092625Greece in Footsteps of St. Paul with Greek Isle Cruise & Medjugorje15 days
5WD092725The Best Shrines of France with Fr. Wilfredo Decal12 days
BR092525Medjugorje with Bob Rzeszutek and Fr. Lourduraj Alapaty9 days
EO102025Fr. Eugene Okoli Pilgrimage to Marian Shrines10 days
MF100625Pilgrimage to Poland, In the Footsteps of St. John Paul II, St. Faustina & St. Maximilian Kolbe with God' Embrace Ministries7 days
SS091325Air only to Medjugorje with Steve Shawl7 days
SS031625Air only to Medjugorje with Steve Shawl7 days
SS050825Air only to Medjugorje with Steve Shawl7 days
KG090525PGPoland & Greece Pilgrimage with Fr. Ken Geraci, CPM18 days
161KG091225Greece Pilgrimage In the Footsteps of St. Paul with Greek Isles Cruise with Fr. Ken Geraci, CPM11 days
BP031626Fr. Brian Park Shrines of Italy Pilgrimage with St. Michael Catholic Church10 days
172HK093025Poland, Prague, Austria & Budapest17 days
JW101525Continuing Wayne Weible’s Mission Pilgrimage to Medjugorje9 days
FS100625Peregrinación a los Santuarios de Italia con La Familia San Mateo9 days
GS102325Italy: Footsteps of St. Francis – Walking Pilgrimage10 days
JN090125Pilgrimage to All Italian Shrines with Classique Travel10 days
SS031325Air only to Medjugorje with JMJ Pilgrims10 days
ELPR042125Jubilee Year Shrines of Italy pilgrimage and Blessed Carlo Acutis Canonization with Fr. Eric Leyble & Fr. Patrick Riviere9 days
1BPK102725Medjugorje & Dubrovnik11 days
ML070525Family Pilgrimage to Medjugorje and Dubrovnik11 days
FIT-WK021525FIT - Koch Family trip to France 18 days
SPCP100625The Best Shrines of France with St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology12 days
AF042825The Best of Greece pilgrimage, In the Footsteps of St Paul10 days
CK031425Air only to Medjugorje with Cimela & Palomita Pilgirmages 10 days
CGCW080925Pilgrimage to Wisconsin with the Houston Charity Guild of Catholic Women4 days
FM063025Byzantine Shrines, Martyrs, and JPII in Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary with Fr. Michael O’Loughlin and Mother Natalia12 days
MH072825Jubilee Year pilgrimage to Milan, Turin, Florence and Rome with Michael O'Neill8 days
40SB071625Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Paris14 days
37JH051225Fatima, Spain & Lourdes10 days
FIT-FEMurphyFIT Medjugorje Fr. Ed Murphy11 days
70TM050426El Camino - The Way of St. James - Spain (A Walking Pilgrimage)11 days
78NF042826Camino: the Portuguese route11 days
200TO091125The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany & Switzerland12 days
40JH050426Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Paris14 days
SS041625Air only to Medjugorje with Steve Shawl7 days
ME060625Air only to Medjugorje with Marilyn and Ellen 10 days
SPCP092225Pilgrimage to Poland, In the Footsteps of St. John Paul II, St. Faustina & St. Maximilian Kolbe with the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology9 days
JF060726A Retreat to Fatima and Lourdes with Fr. John Frink10 days
DW061825Air only to Medjugorje with Triumph Pilgrimages12 days
FIT-AM032625FIT - Fr. Alberic Espace Bernadette (Sanctuarie) Accomodation  5 days
AT090125Pilgrimage to Paris, Lourdes and Barcelona with Ivonne Linares9 days
JD021125Medjugorje with Fr. John Dick10 days
KB041526Fr. Dan Schlegel and Ken Badalamenti Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Fatima, Spain and Lourdes10 days
155The Flight of The Holy Family in Egypt15 days
EAS09122550th Canonization Anniversary of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton4 days
178MC060826The Best of Poland – From Krakow with Fr. Czyzewski9 days
DCIPPARIS26Matthew Kelly in Paris with Dynamic Catholic7 days
BL091525Best Shrine of France with Fr. Bobby Le Blanc & Fr. David Barnes12 days
TM100625Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy with Todd and Carolyn McDaniels10 days
AP100525Our Lady of Consolation's Pilgrimage to Marian Shrines with Fr. Dominic Couturier and Amy Pereira10 days
PA030626Pilgrimage to the Marian Shrines with Fr. Pierre-Michel Alabre10 days
RT050525Pilgrimage to Mexico City with Optional Post Tour to Guanajuato and Guadalajara with Fr. Roy Tvrdik6 days
70AA101225El Camino - The Way of St. James - Spain (A Walking Pilgrimage)11 days
RT101725In the Footsteps of St. Paul: Pilgrimage to Greece and Greek Isle Cruise with Fr. Roy Tvrdik11 days
DC061026Saints & Shrines of Southern France with Fr. Donald Calloway MIC11 days
70BT051826El Camino - The Way of St. James - Spain (A Walking Pilgrimage)11 days
MM120725M and M Travel Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe and Mexico City with Fr. Will Tarraza7 days
VN082025VN0820258 days
161MM071026Greece in Footsteps of St. Paul with Greek Isle Cruise11 days
37PL090825Fatima, Spain & Lourdes10 days
103JE090125All Italian Shrines14 days
CE091525Pilgrimage to Best Shrines of France & Great Shrines of France with Carmine Esposito and Fr. Brandon LeClair12 days
CH101025Hortus Foundation Pilgrimage to Rome with visits to Orvieto and Assisi9 days
CH101725Hortus Foundation Pilgrimage to Rome8 days
CL091925Latin Mass Pilgrimage (Dominican Rite) to the Marian Shrines with Fr. Corwin Low OP10 days
JB56100525Shrines of Spain9 days
56JB100525Shrines of Spain9 days
PC100125Fr. Paul Carlson and Fr. Thomas Otto Pilgrimage to Sicily and Malta10 days
100RB092225Faith & Food Pilgrimage to Italy11 days
202AR040425Ireland10 days
1YF25Medjugorje Youth Festival 2025 9 days
FIT - SandovalPilgrimage to Medjugorje5 days
VP070625Rome & Assisi with Victoria Palmer7 days
97ACR060925Shrines of Italy & Medjugorje with Carmela Racelis14 days
AM100525Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy with Amy Meadows10 days
JAE110625Pilgrimage to Egypt with Fr. John Amsberry10 days
GM011926Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Gudalupe, Mexico City and Puebla with Grace Magbaleta6 days
JAEJ110625Pilgrimage to Egypt & Jordan with Fr. John Amsberry12 days
JAEJHL110625Pilgrimage to Egypt, Jordan & Holy Land with Fr. John Amsberry20 days
JAJHL111325Pilgrimage to Jordan & Holy Land with Fr. John Amsberry13 days
JAHL111625Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Fr. John Amsberry10 days
JMJ031325Air only to Medjugorje with JMJ Pilgrims10 days
SS100125Air only to Medjugorje with Steve Shawl7 days
JM111625Jubilee Year pilgrimage to Rome with Rev. Dr. Joseph Mappilamattel, CMI, and Rev. Fr. Shaju Devasy7 days
AF110225Land only Pilgrimage to Holy Land, Walk Where Jesus Walked10 days
37AR051025Fatima, Spain & Lourdes10 days
SUD0925Fatima, Northern Spain with The Sudarium of Oviedo & Lourdes13 days
VS020226Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico City, Puebla and the Cristero Saints with Victoria Sanchez and Fr. Michael Reinhardt10 days
40RB052726Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Paris with Fr. Raynolds Basilious14 days
MR100925Pilgrimage to Ireland, In the Footsteps of St. Patrick with Fr. Michael Reinhardt10 days
165DC091326Biblical Turkey with Msgr. David Donald Cox12 days
FIT-RaffertyPrivate Tour to Assisi, Florence, Padua and Venice | April 202514 days
155AG030126The Flight of The Holy Family in Egypt with Fr. Andrew Gillies15 days
202-RRIreland with the Rosary Rally in Knock12 days
MM091825Pilgrimage to the Shrines of Italy with St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church and Fr. Bonaventure Rummell 11 days
NS063025Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe and Mexico City with Fr. Nathan Soliven6 days
1AJT082625Medjugorje Mini-Stay with Josephine Tag6 days
WM082325Shrines of Spain & Fatima with Bishop Medley12 days
JH111025St. Brigid Parish Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi with Fr. Joe Hubbard9 days
BF102025Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy with Fr. Bob Franco10 days
JK080325Pilgrimage to Mexico with Fr. Kirby6 days
172DO042726Poland, Prague, Austria & Budapest with Fr. Don Oberwarth17 days
111MILANKAHoly Land Pilgrimage with Milanka Lachman, DGCHS10 days
FV110725Classic Italy with Fr. Fritz Valcin14 days
DR082626Dan Ross and Fr. Jay Harrington Pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes, and Medjugorje14 days
EA120825Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadelupe and Mexico City with Gemma Mejias and Fr. Elveau Augustine6 days
96DA100625Shrines of Italy with Fr. Daniel Arechabala10 days
SH050426Pilgrimage to Italy with Steve Hayes12 days
MC102725Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Medjugorje Magazine9 days
TT091225America's Catholic Roots Pilgrimage - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Pilgrimage to the East Coast Shrines6 days
CR092925Cora Reyes and Fr. Rogelio Gonzalez Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy with Optional Post Tour to Cinque Terre, Milan, Lake Como, Verona and Venice11 days
JA091426Fr. Jason Allan Pilgrimage to Rome with Karla Richardson9 days
PC110625Jubilee Year pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy with Fr. Patrick Chibuko & Maggie Hoagland10 days
99PC091525Rome, Sorrento & Assisi with Fr. Paul Cochran10 days
JM053126Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, with St. Paul Center Biblical Theology and Dr. Jeff Morrow10 days
DM081925Saints and shrines of France 14-day Pilgrimage with Fr. George Dunne, SSS14 days
56JG082325Shrines of Spain9 days
VR102625The Flight of The Holy Family with Bishop Marc Trudeau and Fr. Mark Strader15 days
GZ082125Medjugorje Pilgrimage with Guy Hazelzet and Fr. Rajasekar Savarimuthu10 days
DW072825Fr. Dominik Wegiel Pilgrimage to Poland with Optional Post Tour to Prague, Salzburg and Vienna9 days
PT050525Air only to Medjugorje with Pilgrimage Tours 10 days
MR101025Amber Boring and Fr. Matthew Reese Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Rome8 days
FIT-BiggsRome Independent Travel3 days
70JO042625El Camino - The Way of St. James - Spain (A Walking Pilgrimage) with Fr. James Oberle11 days
MG111725Pilgrimage to the Shrines of Italy with Fr. Michael Gelfant10 days
PV090725Shrines of Italy and Medjugorje with Pat Verhelle and Fr. Mitchel Roman13 days
DC051526Poland Pilgrimage In the Footsteps of St. John Paul II & St. Faustina with Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC 9 days
4-SBSalamanca, Burgos and Lourdes7 days
LB062625Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Rome, Assisi and Florence with Lisa Bivins10 days
JF173R0825Pilgrimage to Krakow and Rome with Fr. Jeff Fernandez9 days
JK061426HLMFr. Jeffrey Kirby Pilgrimage to Holy Land with Optional Post Tour to Malta10 days
37PH031626Fatima, Spain & Lourdes with Fr. Patrick Henry10 days
AS060125Air only to Medjugorje32 days
MB091526Pilgrimage to Poland, In the Footsteps of St. John Paul II, St. Faustina & St. Maximilian Kolbe with Msgr. Begolly & Gina Abdallah9 days
GM101326Medjugorje with Gospa Missions9 days
FP031626Fr. Freddy Perez Our Lady of Guadalupe and Mexico City with St. Angelo Diocese Young Adults6 days
111DB122625The Holy Land - Walk Where Jesus Walked with Fr. David Bellusci10 days
EH110325Fr. Eric Hill Pilgrimage to Shrines of Spain11 days
111GS062925The Holy Land - Walk Where Jesus Walked10 days
BO101725Fr Bernard Oleru, M.S.P. Pilgrimage to Greece with Dora Ramirez Ballesteros8 days
103MG102725All Italian Shrines with fr. Michael Goodwin14 days
93DM090825Rome for Seven Nights9 days
JD060825Dominican Sisters of Mary pilgrimage to Medjugorje 7 days
MY031026Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe and Mexico City with Mario Ylanan6 days
LK030926Msgr. Kee and Msgr. Farmer Pilgrimage to Ireland with Laura Keas10 days
CD090726Pilgrimage to Shrines of Spain, Lisbon and Fatima with Fr. Chris Decker & Fr. Ryan Humphries12 days
GM101325Shrines of Eastern USA with Gospa Missions5 days
RT050426Pilgrimage to Mexico City with Optional Post Tour to Guanajuato and Guadalajara with Fr. Roy Tvrdik6 days
ES101525Medjugorje Mini Stay with Fr. Eric Scanlan and Fr. Daniel Scanlan6 days
AB022026Very Rev. Andrew M. Boyd, V.F. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land10 days
PRLL110325Diocese of Grand Rapids: Pilgrimage to Poland, The Land of Saints With Pattie Reynolds9 days
FITLOMANGINOOviedo to Muxia - Camino25 days
96JP061625Shrines of Italy with Fr. John Soosai Pragasam10 days
SD110325Fr. Sean Donovan Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy10 days
156PT100925Classical Egypt with Nile Cruise with Fr. Philip Tah10 days
WRIGHTMarianne and Angela - Eiffel Tower Tickets1 days
RL110325Rome & Greece Pilgrimage and Optional Post Tour Greek Isles Cruise with St. Andrews Parish12 days
JT102025Bishop Jamie Tamayo France and Rome-the Missionary Origin of the Diocese of Laredo12 days
SS062125Air only to Medjugorje with Steve Shawl7 days
SS052925Air only to Medjugorje with Steve Shawl7 days
SS120425Air only to Medjugorje with Steve Shawl7 days
SS110625Air only to Medjugorje with Steve Shawl7 days
100158ALMedjugorje with Ivan Dragicevic with Al Grazioso 9 days
DP122825Holy Land Pilgrimage - Walk Where Jesus Walked with Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR and Franciscan University of Steubenville10 days
1JF092525Medjugorje with Jane Ferrelli9 days
202JL052826Ireland with Fr. Jeremiah Lange10 days
96AM081125Shrines of Italy with Fr. Andrew McAlpin10 days
SS090425Air only to Medjugorje with Steve Shawl7 days
LG042026Pilgrimage to Poland, The Land of Saints with Fr. Levelt Germain & Sciencia Torchon9 days
MS122825Fr Matt Libra Pilgrimage to Krakow with Sarah Montague10 days
96LC060925Shrines of Italy10 days
MA062026Marian Shrines and Medjugorje with Marie Altidor13 days
CB110226Fr. Seraphim Molina S.J. Pilgrimage to Spain, Fatima & Lourdes with Christie Blair14 days
37PD101225Fatima, Spain & Lourdes Pilgrimage with Fr. Pierre Delglaire10 days
CK060725Air only to Medjugorje with Cimela & Palomita Pilgirmages 10 days
BM110325Msgr. Brian McNamara Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy10 days
BMR073125Br. Michael James Rivera, OP Rome & Turin Canonization Pilgrimage9 days
LP041126Fr. Lou Phillips Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe and Mexico City6 days
DCHOLYLANDDynamic Catholic The Holy Land10 days
DCIPITALYDynamic Catholic Pilgrimage to Italy9 days
111TM111223The Holy Land - Walk Where Jesus Walked with Fr. Tj Mckenzie10 days
187-PPrague, Austria, Budapest & Paris14 days
1Medjugorje9 days
1-AMedjugorje Mini-Stay6 days
1-BMedjugorje & Dubrovnik11 days
2Lourdes8 days
3Lourdes & Medjugorje9 days
4Lourdes Mini-Stay5 days
5The Best Shrines of France12 days
7Lourdes, Paris, Lisieux & Medjugorje13 days
8Lourdes, Paris & Lisieux9 days
9Lourdes, Paris & Lisieux (with 2 extra nights)11 days
10Lourdes, Paris, Lisieux & Rome12 days
10-ALourdes, Paris, Lisieux, Rome & Medjugorje16 days
14Lourdes, Paris, Lisieux & The Shrines of Italy 17 days
15Lourdes & Rome8 days
16Lourdes, Rome & Medjugorje12 days
18Lourdes & Shrines of Italy13 days
18-ALourdes & All Italian Shrines17 days
19Lourdes & Classic Italy17 days
21Shrines of Northern France15 days
22Lisieux, Paris & Rome9 days
23Lisieux, Paris, Rome & Medjugorje13 days
25Lisieux, Paris & Shrines of Italy14 days
25-ALisieux, Paris & All Italian Shrines18 days
26Lisieux, Paris, Shrines of Italy & Medjugorje18 days
20Great Shrines of France13 days
20-AGreat Shrines of France & Medjugorje17 days
36Fatima8 days
36-AFatima & Medjugorje12 days
37Fatima, Spain & Lourdes Pilgrimage10 days
38Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Medjugorje14 days
40Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Paris14 days
41Fatima, Spain, Lourdes, Paris & Rome17 days
35Fatima, Spain, Lourdes, Paris, Rome & Sorrento19 days
41-AFatima, Spain, Lourdes, Paris, Rome & Medjugorje21 days
42Fatima, Spain, Lourdes, Paris & The Shrines of Italy22 days
44Fatima, Spain, Lourdes, Paris, All Italian Shrines and Medjugorje30 days
47Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Rome13 days
47-AFatima, Spain, Lourdes, Rome & Medjugorje17 days
49Fatima, Lourdes, Northern Spain, The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland Pilgrimage24 days
50Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Shrines of Italy18 days
50-AFatima, Spain, Lourdes, Shrines of Italy & Medjugorje22 days
56Shrines of Spain9 days
56-AShrines of Spain & Medjugorje13 days
57Shrines of Spain & Fatima12 days
57-AShrines of Spain, Fatima & Medjugorje16 days
58Madrid & Santiago de Compostela6 days
58-AMadrid, Santiago de Compostela & Medjugorje10 days
59Madrid, Santiago de Compostela & Fatima9 days
59-AMadrid, Santiago de Compostela, Fatima & Medjugorje13 days
67Garabandal, Covadonga, Santiago de Compostela, Fatima & Lourdes14 days
68Garabandal, Santiago de Compostela, Fatima, Lourdes & Medjugorje18 days
70El Camino - The Way of St. James - Spain (A Walking Pilgrimage)11 days
72Santiago de Compostela, Fatima, Spain & Lourdes12 days
72-ASantiago de Compostela, Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Medjugorje16 days
73Santiago de Compostela, Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Paris16 days
74Santiago de Compostela, Fatima, Spain, Lourdes, Paris & Medjugorje20 days
75Santiago de Compostela, Fatima, Spain, Lourdes, Paris & Rome19 days
76Santiago de Compostela, Fatima, Spain, Lourdes, Paris, Lisieux, Rome & Medjugorje23 days
77The Way of St. James - El Camino - The French Route (A Walking Pilgrimage)20 days
61Madrid, Santiago de Compostela, Fatima, Lourdes & Medjugorje18 days
91Rome & Medjugorje9 days
91-ARome & Medjugorje12 days
92Rome & Assisi10 days
96Shrines of Italy10 days
97-AShrines of Italy & Medjugorje14 days
98Classic Italy14 days
111The Holy Land - Walk Where Jesus Walked10 days
114The Holy Land & Rome13 days
114-AThe Holy Land, Rome & Medjugorje17 days
149The Best of Jordan - From Amman9 days
118The Holy Land & the Shrines of Italy18 days
118-AThe Holy Land, Shrines of Italy & Medjugorje22 days
119-AThe Holy Land & All Italian Shrines22 days
120The Holy Land & Fatima13 days
120-AThe Holy Land, Fatima & Medjugorje17 days
121The Holy Land, Fatima, Spain & Lourdes18 days
121-AThe Holy Land, Fatima, Spain, Lourdes & Medjugorje22 days
122The Holy Land, Fatima, Spain, Lourdes, Paris and Lisieux 22 days
122-AThe Holy Land, Fatima, Spain, Lourdes, Paris & Medjugorje26 days
156Classical Egypt with Nile Cruise10 days
157Classical Egypt with Nile Cruise, Jordan and the Holy Land 20 days
158Jordan & The Holy Land13 days
178The Best of Poland – From Krakow9 days
161Greece in Footsteps of St. Paul with Greek Isle Cruise11 days
161-AGreece in Footsteps of St. Paul with Greek Isle Cruise & Medjugorje15 days
162Greece in Footsteps of St. Paul8 days
162-AGreece in Footsteps of St. Paul & Medjugorje12 days
165-ATurkey & Medjugorje16 days
168Poland: In the Footsteps of St. John Paul II & St. Faustina9 days
168-APoland & Medjugorje13 days
169Poland & Prague11 days
169-APoland, Prague & Medjugorje15 days
170Poland, Prague & Salzburg13 days
170-APoland, Prague, Salzburg & Medjugorje17 days
171Poland, Prague and Austria15 days
171-APoland, Prague, Austria & Medjugorje19 days
172Poland, Prague, Austria & Budapest17 days
172-APoland, Prague, Austria, Budapest & Medjugorje21 days
173Krakow - Divine Mercy6 days
173-AKrakow & Medjugorje10 days
174Krakow & Prague8 days
174-AKrakow, Prague & Medjugorje12 days
177Krakow, Prague, Austria & Budapest14 days
177-AKrakow, Prague, Austria, Budapest & Medjugorje18 days
187Prague, Salzburg, Vienna & Budapest10 days
187-APrague, Salzburg, Vienna, Budapest & Medjugorje14 days
195Croatia & Slovenia 10 days
202Ireland10 days
202-AIreland & Medjugorje14 days
207Mexico - Our Lady of Guadalupe & Cancun10 days
213Canada & Mexico12 days
216Germany, Austria, Switzerland & Northern Italy11 days
222London, Paris & Rome12 days
226Walking the Way of St. Francis in Italy (3 extra nights)16 days
93Rome for Seven Nights9 days
112The Holy Land & Medjugorje14 days
100158Medjugorje with accommodations at Ivan Dragicevic's 9 days